Subaru Dare!

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Kou:Hm?Subaru has a dare?Lets see...It says," I dare Subaru to dress like a cute pink bunny and hop infront of everyone."

Kou:I would love to see that! *smirk*

Kou:Subaru kun is sleeping right now.Ill just dress him up then! *sneaks in his room*

Kou:*puts bunny ears on him"


Subaru:What are you doing in my room!!?

Kou:I dress you like a bunny!See?

Subaru:Take this bunny ears off now!

Kou:No!You have a dare!

Subaru:What is it?

Kou:Your suppose to hop infront of everyone while your wearing that thing.

Subaru:Well that's not happening!

Kou:Too bad!

Subaru:If I do it what do I get in return?

Kou:A hug!

Subaru:No way!Ill just do it for the people.*hops infront if everyone*


Kou:Yay!I video taped it!Im gonna post it on my Instagram!

Subaru:I'll break your damn phone!Come back here!*chases him*


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