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"Yui Dare"

Shu:You have a dare.

Yui:What does it say?

Shu:I'm not gonna read it.

Yui:How lazy!It says..."I dare Yui to be Shu for a week."

Shu:Oh I'll gladly teach you.

Yui:Since I can't really be you.Can you just teach me how to be you?

"Shu was teaching Yui"

Yui:Okay!I think I understand now!

Yui:*got earphones.Laying on the couch*

Ayato:Hey pancake.You ready to get your blood sucked?

Yui:"can you keep it down?Your so noisy?"

Ayato:Huh?Did you tell yours truly to keep it down!

Yui:"I'm trying to listen to my music.Be quite."

Ayato:Why you!Dont disobey me!



Shu:Her dare was to act like me.

Ayato:Well I don't like it!

Rejji:I agree.One Shu is good enough.We don't need another one.

"Yui acted like Shu for a week."

Ayato:Change back right now!

Kanato:Your just laying on the couch!Teddy needs a friend to play with.

Laito:Yah b-chan. ;) Whats wrong with you?

Subaru:*punches the wall* change back!

Rejji:I don't want to handle another dead beat.

Shu:I like it.Shes more quite.

Yui:Okay!Okay!Ill change back!Geez.

"Laito Dare!"

Kanato:Laito!You have a dare!It says,"I dare Laito to burn all his fedora"

Laito:I'm not doing that!Then how do I impress b-chan? ;)

Kanato:*evil mode* I'll gladly burn your fedora.

Laito:Kanato!Give them back!Ill take off my shirt instead!

Ayato:Oi!Don't take off your shirt!Take off your hat!

Shu:You look better without a hat.

Laito:Help me!Kanato is about to burn them on fire!

Azusa:Fine...*stops Kanato*

Kanato:Hey!I was about to burn it!

Azusa:Want me to burn teddy on fire?


Kanato:😡😡😡*chased Azusa*

"Yui Dare!"

Subaru:Hey!You have another dare!

Yui:I have another one?What does it say?

Laito:It says,"I dare Yui to slap Ayato for calling her breast-less"

Laito:I like the sound of that. ;)

Ayato:Hey pancake.Let me have a sip of your blood.

Yui:*slaps him*

Ayato:Oi!What was that for!?

Yui:That for calling me breast-less!For calling me pancake!

Ayato:Well I can't lie!If you don't want me to call you that anymore,then put some pads or a watermelon in their!

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