Yui dare!

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Laito: B-chan you got a dare. ;)

Yui: Really?What does it say?

Kou: It says,"I dare m-neko chan to kiss Ayato!"

Ruki: I am not allowing that!

Laito: Me either.She is my precious b-chan.Isnt that right?

Kou: No m-neko chan is mine!

Shu: *listening to music and doesn't care* #ShuMode

Yui: Well I don't have to do it.

Rejji: Yes you do.It's a d-

Yui: Zzzzzz....

Rejji: (-_-*)

"Ayato heard what they were talking about"

"Ayato walked up to Yui.Ayato stared at her sleeping. (o

Ayato: Oi!Pancake!Wake up!


Ayato:Uhh fine!If she won't do her dare then I'll do it for her!

Ayato:Uhh fine!If she won't do her dare then I'll do it for her!

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"Yui woke up"

Yui: *pushes him*

Yui: Ahhhh!!!!My lips has Ayato germs!!!!( 'Д')y━・~~ *runs to the washroom and brushes teeth*

Yui: Now I'm better! ^_−☆

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