Everyones Dare!

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I dare everyone to watch this Diabolik lover crack.


Kou:Wow Subaru kun.I never knew you know how to rap?

Subaru:Tsk.Oh be quite!

Azusa:Kanato San...I never new you didn't know how to tie your shoes...maybe teddy can teach you....?

Kanato:Oh be quite!You damn Azusa!Do you want me to hit you!

Azusa:Yes please!!! :)

Yuma:Okay no one is hitting anyone!

Azusa:You sure you don't need help tying your shoes Kanato San....


Kou:♪why you always lying!Why you always lying!♪

Kou:I love that song!

Laito:Ayato kun?Are you a stalker?Why do you keep staring?

Kou:♪and even more stares♪

Kou:The last one was hilarious!😂

Ayato:Yours truly doesn't stare a lot!

Kou:♪why you always lying!♪

<ask questions or dares!>

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