Calling Yui by her real name for a week!!

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Ruki: Red head. You have a dare.

Ayato: Read it to me.

Ruki: Read it yourself.

Ayato: Come on. I'm yours truly! You read more books than me! Keep it up!

Rejji: Don't be like Shu.

Shu: What did you say?

Reiji: Nothing.

Subaru: Tsk. Give me that.

Subaru: The dare says..."I dare Ayato to call Yui by her name. Aka (for a week)"

Ayato: That's not happening.

Kanato: You have too! It's a dare!

Azusa: Ne teddy? Why is Kanato San screaming again...?

Kanato: Give me back teddy!

Kou: It's just for a week.

Ayato: No way. Pancake is her nickname.

Azusa: Why...?

Ayato: Cause she is a pancake!

Azusa: Yummy....

Laito: He means that b-chan is flat-chested.

Yui: Um.... •_•

Ayato: How long were you standing there?!

Yui: I was always here.

Ayato: Fine! I'll do the dare!

Ayato: Oi! Yui! Make me some Takyoki!

Yui: Did you just say Yui?

Yui: *blush*

Ayato: Are you gonna disobey me or are you gonna finally submit?!

Ayato: Huh Pa-

Ayato: I mean Yui!

Yui: Fine I'll make you Takyoki.... -.-

"It has been 3 days and Ayato is still lasting."

Ayato: There you are. I've been looking everywhere for you.

Ayato: I'm thirsty as hell. Let me drink your blood.

Yui: Ayato. I'm not in the mood for this right now.

Ayato: Huh?! What did you say pancake!

Yui: lost the dare.

Ayato: Why?

Yui: You accidentally said pancake.

Ayato: I did?! No I didn't!

Kou: Yeah you did! I video taped it! See!

Ayato: *watches the video*

Ayato: This is an outrage!

Kou: Your only suppose to call m-neko chan by her name. Not her nickname.

Ayato: It didn't say anything about calling her by her nickname once in awhile!

Kou: That is true.

Yui: U-um...Ayato kun...Can you call me by my name more often?

"Ayato leaned in her face."

Ayato: No way! Now make me another batch of Takyoki!

Yui: Uhh fine...

Ayato: Thanks Yui.

Yui: (。-_-。)

"Ayato called Yui by her name for a week. But still called her pancake once in awhile. ^^ "

( ask questions or dares! )

A/N: Hey y'all! Follow me on Instagram if you'd like! ^^

MyInstagramUsername: "MystyDiabolikShackle"

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