Who do they like the most?

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Kou: Yuma kun! I want the last shrimp!

Yuma: You have already eaten a lot of shrimp already! Azusa didn't even eat any!

Kou: But I don't eat the most in the family!

Yuma: Yes you do!

Kou: No I don't!

Yuma: Fine. Name someone.

Kou: Ayato!

Ayato: Oi! What did you say?!

Kou: He eats a lot of Takyoki!

Ayato: And you eat a lot of shrimp girly.

Kou: Did you just call me girly?!

Reiji: What's the meaning of this?

Kou: Yuma thinks I eat the most!

Kou: And Ayato kun called me girly!

Azusa: Why...?

Ayato: He wears a ponytail.

Kou: But it's so small!

Ayato: So?

Subaru: Can you all just be quiet!!

Subaru: We all have a dare.

Subaru: It says,"Who do they like the most (If they HAD to choose one)? Not including Yui."

Ayato: Oi! We can't pick pancake!?

Ayato: Your's truly will not accept this!!

Kou: Well I like Subaru kun! ^^

Subaru: Well I don't!

Kou: Meanie! 😫

Subaru: Tsk.

Reiji: So Kou has already said his. Who wants to go next?

Ruki: I like Kou,Yuma, and Azusa.

Kou: Awe Ruki kun! ^^

Yuma: I agree. I like you guys as well.

Yuma: Azusa? Who do you like if you'd had to choose someone?

Azusa: Me...?

Azusa: Um...

Azusa: I like Kanato kun....

Kanato: HUH?!

Kanato: Well I don't!!!

Azusa: Geez...I was joking...

Kanato: Well stop messing around!!!

Azusa: I'll be serious....

Azusa: I like Ruki, Kou, and Yuma kun...

Reiji: I have to go somewhere everyone.

Ayato: Oi! You have to answer the question!

Rejji: I like tea. There.

"Reiji leaves..."

Subaru: If I had to choose one...ill say.. Shu.

Kou: How about me?!?

Subaru: Your last!

Kou: -.-

Yuma: Oi! NEET!! Answer the question!

Shu: (( _ _ ))..zzzZZ

Yuma: Wake up!!

Shu: What?

Yuma: Answer the question!

Shu: If I had to pick one? I would pick Subaru I guess...

Shu: Now I'm going to listen to my music.

Shu: *listens to music*

Laito: I like Ayato and Kanato.

Ayato: If I had to choose I'll pick my Takyoki.

Ayato: Oi! Kanato! Answer the question!

Kanato: I like teddy!

Everyone: *not surprised* -.-

(Ask questions or dares! ^^)

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