Chapter 4: Old Friends

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~~Barry's POV~~

I arrived at my office and started processing the evidence for Joe. As I'm working on it Iris walks in, she was my friend from childhood and crush, though she no longer was.

"Ok! I am ready to see this atom smasher smashing," Iris says as she walks in while I'm waiting for the evidence to be read. We had planned to see a movie about Psychics.

"There was a shooting today. Your dad needs me to process some evidence, which means I don't know if we're gonna be able to make it," I say walking over to the machines to check on how far along it was going.

"Seeing this thing is like your dream," she says and it's true, it was but work came first, "Your sad little nerdy dream....Plus, I canceled a date for this," she finished taking a fry from my fries and I snatch them away quickly.

"Hands off my fries! Unbelievable!" I say shaking my head walking back to my table and writing stuff down, my fries with me. I don't share my fries. Ever.

"I'm stress-eating over my dissertation! We started selling kronuts at Jitters, I ate two today. If I don't graduate soon, I'm gonna be more muffin-top than woman," she says finishing the fry she took from mine.

"You look amazing," I say which was strictly platonic, she just rolled her eyes at me not believing me.

"What is so important about this movie anyway?" She asks and I sigh.

"It's about the quantum theory which is light-years ahead of anything they're doing at CERN," I say excitedly.

"You're doing that thing where you're not speaking English," Iris says and I sigh and head to my white board drawing a small dot on it.

"Ok. Just imagine that that dot, is everything the human race has ever learned until this moment," I say.

"Does that include twerking?" She asks and I roll my eyes then draw a big circle around the dot.

"That is everything we could learn from these new theories. It's a whole new way of looking at physics. It will literally change the way that we think about everything!" I say more excited about it and Iris places her hands on my shoulders.

"You gotta get yourself a girlfriend," she says and I sigh and roll my eyes again tossing the marker to the side as the machine beeped saying the evidence was done processing.

"Hey, leave him alone, he's working," Joe West, Iris' dad who was also basically my second father since my father was thrown into jail. I had yet to tell him about my secret.

"Hi, Dad," Iris said.

"Your testing is done. I think the Mardon brothers are hiding on a farm. The fecal matter I found on the street, it was cow manure, which contains traces of oxytetracycline," I say and they both stare at me with raised eyebrows.

"It's an antibiotic," I say, "There are only four farms in the area that still use it in their feed. I bet you'll find a very sweet Shelby parked at one of them," I say handing Joe a list of the four farms.

"Dad, seeing as how Barry solved your poop problem, how about letting him go to movies?" Iris asks wrapping her arm around her dad.

"Actually Singh asked me to show around the new attorney but I was wondering if my wonderful daughter would do it while Barry would give me some more processed evidence on another case," Joe says a little disappointed and Iris sighs dramatically.

"Fine, but then you have to pay for my lunch," she says heading out and I look at Joe a little disappointed.

"Sorry, Singh though wants the evidence as soon as possible," he says and I nod my head.

"I know, so new attorney?" I ask and Joe nods his head pouring him a cup of coffee from the pot, this office was another home to me.

"Yeah, she's pretty smart, can't remember her name... Hailey?" He says shrugging his shoulders, "anyways she's new here and she's one of the best I think," he says and I nod my head. The comment Iris made about me needing a girlfriend was in the back of my mind. I couldn't have a girlfriend when I couldn't even tell my friends who were as close as family about my secret. Joe then left me to work while him and Eddie decided to check the places on the list. I'm working when it wasn't long before I hear Iris talking again.

"Barry this is the new attorney, Holly," Iris says and I turn and see the woman I saw in the crowd and I don't think it's a coincident. Her name is Holly, just like Holly Grant, my college friend.

"Holly, this is-" Iris starts but the woman with blue eyes cuts her off.

"Barry Allen?" She says and now I'm thinking it really is Holly Grant.

"Holly Grant?" I ask and she nods her head and I smile. I haven't seen Holly since I graduated three years ago.

"Wait... You two know each other?" Iris asking pointing at both of us.

"We were old friends in college in chemistry," I say and Iris nods her head slowly mouthing 'oh', "long time," I say and Holly nods her head.

"Yes, it has been," she says and then smiles a little shyly. I remembered being close friends with her talking to her about Iris, great now she thought her and Iris were a couple of something.

"You know, if you're free for lunch we could go catch up," I say and then feel a blush coming, great that sounded like a date, Holly blushed and nodded her head.

"I'd like that," she said.

"Great," I said with a smile.

"Why don't we all go out? I'd love some lunch I'm starving!" Iris says and for some reason I feel a small annoyance, that was weird I never had a annoyance for Iris but for some reason I wanted to be with Holly and catch up.

"That'd be nice, but don't you have a dissertation to work on?" I ask and Iris rolls her eyes.

"Fine...." She says and leaves. Then me and Holly head to lunch.

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