3. Guardian

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A/N - It's okay to spam me with comments huns huhu comments are my oxygen

You tossed and turned in your place, your whole body aching and your head throbbing badly

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You tossed and turned in your place, your whole body aching and your head throbbing badly. You weren't even on a bed, instead, you were on the cold hard ground and you had no idea where you were. The room was screaming white and it seemed endless.

You sat up, while rubbing your head, and looked around, hoping to see a window, a door or any form of escape. Unfortunately, there was none, and you were officially alone in an infinite white room.

Only one thought entered your mind: You were dead.

"So this is what it's like to be dead, huh?," You said sarcastically as you got up and picked up your jacket, which was strangely off you and on the floor. "Who knew that I would be lonelier than I already was..."

Since you literally had nothing to do, you decided to walk around. It was as if you weren't moving at all, since your surroundings didn't change and there was absolutely no way to tell where you were.

You didn't know how long you've been walking so you decided to look at your wristwatch. You frowned when you saw that its frozen, stopping exactly at 7:07 pm. Frustrated, you tapped the smooth quartz to hopefully make it work but it didn't.

This made you wonder where you were. A place where time doesn't exist? Heaven? Hell? Purgatory? You honestly had no idea.

"Well, you don't need a watch when you're dead," You shrugged before slipping off the watch and tossing it in front of you. Unlike what you expected, there was no clink of the metal colliding with the ground, which made you confused. "What in the---"

"You're not dead, Sky."

Your eyes widened when purple mist came out of nowhere and swirled around in front of you. Eventually, it formed into a shape of a person, the smoke fading away, revealing someone familiar.

It was the robed woman, the same one you saw in your dream all these years. You weren't sure which was more terrifying, possibly being dead or being alone in this place with a woman who had piercing purple eyes.

For a moment, the woman just stared, shadows of what you assumed to be a million tortures souls swirling in her eyes. Her mouth was slightly ajar and you could see the tips of her fangs sticking out of her upper lip. The hood of her robe was covering her entire face and the only reason why you could see her eyes was because they were glowing.

Slowly, the woman raised one of her hands. You flinched at how sickly purple her skin was and her black nails were as long as a snake's fangs. In between her fingers was a silver metal watch, this time ticking, the sounds of running time echoing in the area.

"Time is a precious element for you humans," The woman said, her mouth not moving, which made you stare. After a while, you realized that her voice was in your head. "This tool, it is one of the most impressive inventions of your species. Something as tiny as this, recording the passage of time and space? Pure genius."

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