62. Hemel

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A/N - my longest chapter of 9k words!! grab some popcorn cos this gon be a wild ride

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A/N - my longest chapter of 9k words!! grab some popcorn cos this gon be a wild ride

Jungkook swallowed dryly, his throat closing on him as he stood before the stairs leading to the deck above. His wings trembled as he thought of the possible situations that could happen once he shows himself to his people. The light seeped through the slightly open door and basked the steps, as if warning him of incoming danger.

A mixture of fear and anxiety was pooling at the bottom of Jungkook's stomach. As much as he knew how inevitable it was, the angel wished that he could hide his identity forever. He didn't want anyone else, especially the rest of the Single Men Club, to find out the truth of him being Hemel's one and only prince.

Jungkook was afraid that the revelation would make everyone look at him differently. He was afraid that he'd once again become the royal prince everyone was forced to look up to and respect. He was afraid that he'd once again be isolated for supposedly being superior.

But to Jungkook, he didn't think of himself as any different from everyone, whether they were Vredeian or Leveian.

Jungkook thought about it, thought about how he was going to deal with a situation as helpless as this. In his point of view, there was only one option that he always considered — walk away. Walk away and do nothing. After all, there was no room for mistakes if you had done nothing.

But before Jungkook could step backwards and walk away permanently, however, a voice from behind stopped him. "Jungkook?"

Jungkook blinked for a bit, his mouth slightly open to reveal his big front teeth. Turning around, he saw the members of the Single Men Club standing there, all looking at him with worry, although Yoongi looked like he was trying to hide it. Holly had a tilted head as it stared at the angel ad well.

Jimin continued to speak, his lips formed into a pout with his eyebrows scrunched together. He tilted his head, mirroring Holly, orange bangs swaying as he did. "What's wrong? You're really pale."

Jungkook swallowed again and peeked over Jimin's shoulder and at his room behind the trio. He felt like they were intentionally blocking his way for some reason. The angel chuckled awkwardly, his mouth forming a bunny smile. "Uh, I'm just a bit nervous, yeah? Haven't been back home in a while..."

"I understand," Namjoon nodded, his arms crossed over his chest. Yoongi was still petting Holly, who was purring at the fire gem bearer's touch. Jungkook noticed the loving smile on the grey haired man's face. "Just know that we'll be right here, okay? As Hoseok always says, everything is going to be fine."

Jungkook felt a chill run down his back. He wasn't sure if it was because of his backless shirt or just plain old nerves but he had definitely shivered. The angel's wings trembled. He wondered if the Single Men Club were going to treat him the same after they find out that he was actually a prince. A liar... that was what he would become. It's what he always was.

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