5. Unlock

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"You should at least eat something before you leave, Sky

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"You should at least eat something before you leave, Sky."

You ignored K and slipped on a grey hoodie. You were in a bad mood, especially because this morning wasn't your best. First of all, Yoongi had stolen your watch and now you were blind. Second, you were so hungry that you could eat your own arm but you didn't have any money. Lastly, you woke up on the wrong side of the bed, literally, and fell on the floor.

"Even if I do want to eat, I don't have any food," You snapped as you walked across the hotel room, the floorboards creaking with every step. It wasn't a five star hotel, sadly, instead it was something close to being called "run-down." It was better than nothing.

You made sure that your silver hair was in a bun and tucked it in under your hat, before putting on your hood. While you were walking towards the door, your foot suddenly slipped through a hole in the floor, scratching your leg. You groaned, both out of pain and frustration at how your room was slowly tearing apart.

"Are you okay?," K asked in concern, although you knew that deep inside, she really didn't care.

You wordlessly tugged your leg out of the hole and stared at the huge gash in your inner thigh. You flinched a bit at how much blood there and was starting to worry about treating it, when purple mist suddenly wrapped around your leg. It was healed in a matter of seconds.

Even though you were used to all this supernatural stuff, K's healing abilities still left you in awe. "Thanks, K, I guess."

K didn't reply. You didn't need to hear one, to be honest.

After making sure that your room was locked, you exited the apartment building and looked around. Without the watch, you had no idea how you were going to find Yoongi. You gritted your teeth and kicked a nearby pebble, the anger settling in you once again.

"You're starting to develop a bad temper, Sky," K said as you continued kicking the same pebble while walking on the sidewalk.

"I just can't believe that Yoongi stole me," You sighed and looked up, the brightness of the sun blinding you temporarily. "Even after I tried to help him..."

"When I was still alive, I studied about you humans. Each of you have these... emotions, correct? And reasonability. Maybe he did it for his own purpose," K said like some kind of professor, which, to be honest, creeped you out. Then, you took her words in. Did that mean that her kind did not have any emotions?

"Stop talking about us like we're some kind of animal you research about," You said in a whisper as you passed by a couple who was displaying a little too much of their attention. You glared at them, disgusted by how they were acting.

K didn't even apologize. Maybe she didn't really have any emotions.

After walking a few blocks, you passed by a televesion store, the current channel catching your eye. It was an Spongebob, that one episode where they were in the past and everyone was a caveman. You couldn't help but remember the spongebob caveman meme, which made you smirk a bit.

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