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Namjoon shivered

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Namjoon shivered. The cold dead air of his cell was familiar and chilling to the bone. He closed his eyes shut and almost considered the possibility of his whole adventures in Vrede to be merely some sort of elaborate dream— Maybe all this time, he was in jail back in Korea. Maybe he had finally gone crazy and imagined a life of freedom.

Hugging his knees to his chest, Namjoon thought about the Helian nobles' words. A tainted man, a savage brute who deserved to die in an arena. He wondered if that was all he really is. A monster, someone who represented darkness. Then he remembered how Jimin literally beat up the man who said that and chuckled.

It was quite a sight to see. Jimin was always so calm and rarely released his anger so seeing him pounce on someone was surprising. Still, he was touched at how protective the thunder gem bearer was. He just wished that he'd be more careful with himself too.

Sighing, Namjoon leaned his head on the cemented wall and stared up at the ceiling. A lonely lightbulb hung from above and flickered as a few flies flew around it. The earth gem bearer hugged himself in an effort to be warm. He felt his tailbones ache due to the hard floor and the absence of a bed wasn't helping at all.

Namjoon glanced down at his chained wrists and stared at his purple arm. Now that he thought about it— How did he survive Jimin's electricity? It was weird to say the least, especially because the venom seemingly gathered on his arm instead of leaving his body. He remembered being scratched by Medusa on the hand and frowned.

Shaking his head, Namjoon decided that there were important things to think about— like how he was going to escape. Grunting, he wobbled to his feet and glanced around his cell. The bareness of the whole area made him groan loudly.

Namjoon shuffled around a bit. There was a hole on the ground, one that lead deep down underground. Tilting his head, the earth gem bearer suddenly caught a horrible stench from it. He stepped away from toilet and nearly gagged.

Ever since the incident with Medusa, Namjoon noticed how his senses have heightened. He could smell things he couldn't smell before, sometimes even hear the chattering of people far away. It was interesting yet terrifying at the same time. It made the earth gem bearer wonder if he really did turn into a monster.

"Joonie?," Jimin's voice came from the other side of the wall.

Honestly, Namjoon was glad that the cell walls weren't soundproof. If they were, he was sure that he would have lost his sanity in the span of a few hours. "Chim?"

"Are you okay?," Jimin's concern was obvious in his tone. His voice grew closer. "I heard shuffling and..."

"I'm alright, Jimin," Namjoon smiled, even though Jimin definitely couldn't see him. He leaned on the wall and slid down. "Don't worry."

There was no reply. Namjoon knew that Jimin released a sigh, perhaps it was just too soft for him to hear. "Namjoon?"

Namjoon knew that being called by his name was never a good sign. "Yeah?"

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