38. Rebellion

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In times like these, Taehyung felt like one of the worst people to exist in the face of the universe

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In times like these, Taehyung felt like one of the worst people to exist in the face of the universe. He was sitting inside his treehouse, hugging his knees to his chest and watching the twin suns slowly rise, basking Aarde's forests in a veil of orange and yellow. The night was ending and the morning was starting yet the bearer of darkness spent all those hours without sleep, cursing himself for his actions, for making you hate him because of the unbearable lust for you that burned within him, burned like the constant fiery flames in Yoongi's eyes.

Taehyung's cheeks were stained with his own tears, eyes swollen and red. He doesn't remember the last time he cried this much, the last time he released all the frustrations bottled up inside him. When was the last time he loved so sincerely, that his heart was in danger of exploding? He didn't know but he was sure of one thing — he loved you. He loved the one girl whose heart had already been claimed by another. He loved the one girl he had first planned to use for his gain, the one girl who had suddenly made him care, not just for her but for the rest of the wonders as well.

And to Taehyung, this made absolutely no sense at all. Tugging on his hair in frustration, he wondered how all these emotions came to be. How could he care, despite all the pain and anger he went through for years on end? How could he love, despite his belief that it was dead and would only bring pain, How could he fall for you so easily?

Taehyung wanted to scream to the heavens, he wanted his voice to pierce through the kingdom of Hemel and reach the stars in space. He wanted the universe to know that he was stupid to be in love with you, stupid for trying to take advantage of your vulnerable state, stupid for giving in to his own temptation of your soft, sweet lips on his own — but he couldn't. His throat closed and instead, he collapsed to the ground and released broken sobs.

As Taehyung curled his fingers into the ground, the dirt staining his black nails, he suddenly remembered the last time he cried this much, the last time he felt so much sadness that he felt like a fragile doll, one that would break at the simplest touch.

A few days before Taehyung turned six, he had found out the reason why his mother had been bedridden for months and why their father would forbid him and Shay from ever entering her room without his permission. So when his mother passed away the night after his birthday, there were no surprises.

The celebration of a prince's birthday should have been prioritized in Hel but Taehyung was willing to cancel it for his mother's funeral. Even at such an unripe age, he had felt the cold winds of deaths. His mother was lying in the casket with peaceful smile on her face and the mere fact that she looked happy after leaving behind her family made him clench his fists in anger.

Shay was next to Taehyung, gripping her older brother's arm tightly as she sobbed into her palms. Taehyung was crying too but he didn't utter a sound, instead he let his tears fall freely. Their mother had promised to stay by their side for all of eternity. The promise was broken, along with their hearts.

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