87. Unsure

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Taehyung could still remember the exact moment when the gem took over his body— regrettably, with his permission

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Taehyung could still remember the exact moment when the gem took over his body— regrettably, with his permission. He could still vividly recall the other him fading into dark mist and entering his body. He felt the slight pain convulse through him as the darkness formed within him.

And then Taehyung felt it— undeniable power. Truly, the gem kept its promise. He could still feel his blood burning in his veins. Suddenly, nothing else mattered. He finally had the strength he was looking for all his life. With it, he could overthrow King Michael and take over the universe himself.

Taehyung could feel his soul slowly chip away. It felt like he and the gem were slowly merging into a sadistic and merciless being. It was something that brought him both pleasure and pain. He was sure that he spluttered out blood from his mouth more than once.

When thoughts of regret crossed Taehyung's mind, they were only eaten up by his pride and he fell deeper into the darkness. The gem whispered one thing to him— Kill them. Kill anyone who gets in your way of proving your worth to the universe.

At one point, Taehyung partially gained control of his mind. When he did, he was outside. Doused by the cold rain, the prince realized that he was choking you with purple mist. You were screaming something about lesson three.

At that moment, Taehyung realized how wrong his decision was but no matter how much he wanted to break free from the gem, it only sucked more of his soul. Now he realized how bad this situation was— he was dying. The darkness was killing him.

But then Taehyung heard Jungkook call his name and thought to himself— Was there a place in heaven for demons like him? Was he hallucinating his deceased best friend's voice? Then he got to hold the Hemelian's face in his hands and realized something, he was alive.

Taehyung didn't know how but despite the gem literally hanging his life in between its fingers, he broke out of its control. He cried onto Jungkook's shoulder in agony, both because of pain and relief.

Not having any recollection of anything he did prior to the battle outside the tower, Taehyung didn't bother to ask. He figured that nobody wanted to relive those horrible memories anyway.

Taehyung looked down at the darkness gem, which was now a solid purple color. He stared at in confusion. Something felt different but he couldn't put his finger on it. The whispering in his mind was gone and even though this should have been relieving, it made him wary.

"Taehyung," Jin's voice snapped Taehyung out of his thoughts. The water gem bearer's eyes were glowing blue. "Stay still."

Despite not knowing Jin's intentions, Taehyung complied. He flinched a bit in pain when the water gem bearer suddenly pressed his hand over the wounded eye. The prince instinctively reached out and grabbed the hand of whoever was next to him.

Taehyung only realized that he grabbed your hand when you suddenly spoke from next to him with a worried tone. "Jin, what are you doing?"

"Sorry, forgot to warn you," Jin smiled sheepishly. Taehyung squinted his one non-injured eye at him discretely. "Taehyung, I'm going to bring your eye back."

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