77. Feelings

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A/N - enjoy 9

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A/N - enjoy 9.5k unedited words y'all!!

Jungkook already had a bad feeling about the deserted town the moment he climbed out of the underground catacombs. Now he understood why Queen Miranda had forbidden him from ever stepping into District Drie every time he came to visit Taehyung. With all the destruction and putrid death before him, he was glad about his mother's decision.

Then Jungkook thought about the Helians who lived in this once lively village. He knew what this abandoned war-torn area meant for the Helians of District Drie. The angel gritted his teeth. Even if Hemel's forces aided in the war, he knew that his father wouldn't let then spend resources on innocent Helians. He hated how this war was affecting everyone. He wanted it to end.

Yeontan, who was in Jungkook's arms, sniffed the air as they walked towards the tower you had pointed out moments ago. The Hemelian prince glanced around the area and sighed at the debris and shattered rocks everywhere.

Yoongi and Hoseok were walking at each of Jungkook's sides, both facing opposite directions. Namjoon and Jimin were just ahead of the angel, the earth gem bearer glancing at the other from time to time. You, Emily and Jin were up front.

Jungkook continued to glance around the area and hugged Yeontan close to his chest. He wasn't sure if it was just plain paranoia but it felt like multiple pairs of eyes were staring right at him. His wings flapped once behind him.

Suddenly, Yeontan started to growl deeply. Jungkook stared at the three-headed dog for a moment and swallowed as he followed it gaze. He barely caught sign of something jumping up from behind a pile of debris. Then Jimin was screaming on the ground.

"Get off me!"

Jimin was flailing under a creating with sickly grey skin, its mouth lined with rows of pointed teeth and eyes pitch black. Attached to its back was a very familiar insect.

Although Kerns originated from Hel, Jungkook honestly thought that the he'd seen the last of those insects back in Tranen. When the angel remembered that Kerns were born from the King of Hel's anger, he realized that they'll never go away.

Jungkook turned away, after Namjoon had kicked the monster into the sky, when he heard shuffling from behind him. Yeontan started barking loudly as the angel turned around nervously.

As soon as Jungkook spotted more Kern-infected Helians sprout out from behind buildings and debris, he screamed. "There are more of them!"

Jungkook freed his other hand and clutched Yeontan tightly with the other. He summoned white mist over his palm as the infected came closer and closer. The angel's back collided with a broad one — Jin's. He gritted his teeth and locked his eyes on the Kerns that had latched themselves on the Helians' random body parts.

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