83. Twilight

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Jin couldn't believe that he was admitting it to himself but he was terrified

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Jin couldn't believe that he was admitting it to himself but he was terrified.

First of all, Jin had nearly witnessed Emily die right in front of his eyes. He had no idea what he would do after seeing another person he loved so dear be taken away from him again. Just the mere thought of losing his girlfriend made him feel... depressed.

But Jin knew that even though Emily was one of the strongest people he knew, she too had her own morals. He understood why she had hesitated to attack Belladonna, who was horribly a mere child. It made the water gem bearer wonder what the fate of the other Helian children were.

Taehyung was a perfect example of this. Jin didn't have as much knowledge as Jungkook did about the darkness gem bearer but he knew enough to know that he had been a child when the war had started. Along with his sister Shay, the two had been trained, raised as survivalists— weapons, even.

Jin was a smart man. He knew that there was always an explanation behind the way people behaved. Now that he thought about it, Taehyung's actions were justifiable. However, everyone was too blinded by anger to understand him and ended judging him for it.

And Taehyung, despite being so upfront and blunt, was a man with a good heart. Jin could tell.

Jin snapped back to reality and into the situation at hand. He was glad that they had moved away from Jimin, who was currently battling Belladonna. As much as the water gem bearer wanted to help his friend, he didn't want to tangle with her again. Heh, tangle with the vines. Funny, right?

Jin flinched internally. His attempt to cheer himself up with a joke made him realize how embarrassing it sounded when said out loud— although he didn't think this was a reason for him to stop. Shaking his thoughts away, he glanced ahead and at Massimo, who was just standing a few feet ahead of them with crossed arms.

"Three versus one," Hoseok broke the silence as he whispered at Jin and Emily. The air gem bearer shrugged with an awkward smile on his face. "The more the merrier, right?"

"Wish I could be as enthusiastic as you," Emily used the back of her hand to wipe the blood off her cheeks. Jin wasn't sure if that was hers or not. "From what I've observed so far, Massimo has the ability to change the composition of his body into different materials."

Jin eyed Massimo and noticed that his metallic arms were glinting slightly. A bored expression was on the Helian's face. "We won't be able to get to him if he stays in metal form."

"We'll never know unless we try," Emily strummed the string of her bow before facing Jin with a smile. "Right?"

"Yeah," Jin nodded at Emily before facing Hoseok, who seemed to be in a trance. The air gem bearer had his eyebrows scrunched together and lips straightened into thin line as he stared into empty space. "Hoseok? You okay?"

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