30. Teamwork

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Jimin wheezed, unintentionally leaning all his weight on Namjoon

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Jimin wheezed, unintentionally leaning all his weight on Namjoon. The tension in the air was so thick that not even his claws could cut it, and he could see this in everyone's expressions — every single person in line looked determined to go against Shay, despite their injuries and the civilians watching them from afar. He still felt weak, he admitted, even after Jin had healed him but he was still willing to fight alongside you, Emily and the rest of the wonders.

In the silence, Jimin took the opportunity to think. As soon as he regained consciousness, the first thing he noticed was the glint in Namjoon's eyes, the earth bearer's jeans had been soaked with someone else's blood. At first Jimin assumed it was his, then he saw a disfigured, dark hooded man lying down a few feet away from them, limbs bent in awkward angles.

Jimin swore that his eyes weren't playing tricks on him — he saw purple aura surround Namjoon's brown gem before it disappeared into thin air.

And this didn't bother Jimin as much as it should have, right now the main focus was Shay, who was starting to make a few gestures with her fingers, the tip of her staff glowing.

"We split into two teams, offensive and defensive," Namjoon started, catching everybody's (except Shay's) attention. The glint in his eyes was familiar to Jimin now, filled with both authority and power — indeed, this man really was their leader. "Yoongi, you lead the offense group with Jin, Emily and Hoseok. I'll be in charge of defense with Sky, Jungkook and Jimin. Taehyung, since you are the strongest among us, you'll switch from offense to defense whenever needed."

Taehyung snapped a finger, purple mist flying around him, a sly smile slowly spreading across his face. Jimin could feel the arrogance seeping from him. "Of course, you can count on me."

"Jimin," Namjoon's whisper made Jimin turn upon hearing his name. He was still clinging onto the taller male, his legs feeling a bit numb. "Can you fight?"

Jimin puffed out some air, gently pushing himself off Namjoon and landing on the ground with his two feet. He wobbled a bit but quickly regained his balance, balls of electricity sparking over his palms, eyes golden yellow. "I'm not leaving myself out of this action, Namjoon."

Namjoon smiled, showing his dimples, nodding at Jimin gratefully. The light atmosphere was shattered when Shay slammed her staff on the ground, the majority of them flinching at the sound.

"What? Are we going to keep wasting time?," Shay gritted, slowly rising from the ground, the blood on her legs now dry and caking her skin. The staff in her hands started to glow, a purple tornado forming around her, making the civilians scream and run away. "No matter, I'll destroy you all in no time."

Thus Shay pointed her staff at the nine, shooting out a purple laser beam from her staff. Everyone ducked as Namjoon and Taehyung reacted instantly to the situation, creating forcefields with rock and purple energy. The beam bounced off the shield, shooting through the buildings around them, pushing Taehyung back by only a few inches this time.

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