89. Realization

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Yoongi hated the current situation they were in

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Yoongi hated the current situation they were in. Being handcuffed was familiar but he will never be accustomed to the feeling of being chained. He gritted his teeth as he was tugged forward, the metal making his wrists burn. Holly was curled in his arms, wings pinned together and a muzzle strapped across its mouth.

Truthfully, Yoongi wanted to burn the soldier who had done this to Holly, especially because he was standing right next to him. But since he was wearing anti-magic cuffs, he couldn't. He honestly couldn't believe that circles of metal had enough power to cancel out even Taehyung's magic.

This made Yoongi realize how powerful the Helians really were. As much as he hated the thought, they were at the army's mercy. They could decide to snap one of their necks and none of them would be able to fight back— maybe with the exception of Emily. The protector would definitely find a way to stab one of the soldiers in return.

Yoongi shivered. He recalled a horrible memory of his mother locking him in his room whilst chained to his own bed for a whole day. Those twenty four hours were spent by him staring at his shattered piano and torn music sheets. Spinning his wrists, the cuffs burned against his skin. His eyes dotted with tears.

To shake the thoughts away, Yoongi glanced around. Despite the earmuffs, he could still hear a bit of background noise. He could hear the jingling of everyone else's handcuffs around him. Leaves and vines rustled as they passed through, the rocks on the ground below crunching with each sure step. Sangdol's were particularly light. The horse's steps sounded like mere tapping.

Jin was standing next to Yoongi, expression grim and blonde hair still disheveled. His jaw was clenched as he glared a few feet away and at a soldier a who had an unnecessarily tight death grip on Emily's arm.

Jimin still had that horrible gash on his face, the dark blood caking his cheek and a bit of his lips. Namjoon was standing right next to the thunder gem bearer, almost as if their shoulders were glued together. He growled at anyone who stayed close, resulting in the formation of an empty circle around the couple.

Jungkook was next to Sangdol, the wings on his head drooped down sadly and his six wings locked together by a large metal brace. Hoseok was on the horse's other side and although Yoongi couldn't see his face, he knew that the air gem bearer was wearing an upside down heart smile.

Atop the horse was Taehyung, who was just looking straight ahead with a blank expression on his face. You sat behind the darkness gem bearer with both arms wrapped around his waist and a hand intertwined with one of his own. Yoongi smiled a bit at the sight.

Holly started to whimper. Yoongi looked down and saw the dragon tremble in his arms. It tried to snap its teeth together but cried louder when the muzzle halted it from doing so. The braces on the dragon's wings clattered as it desperately tried to flap.

"Holly?," Yoongi whispered and tried to pet Holly, hissing when the cuffs stopped him. "It's okay, little guy. I'm right here."

Since Holly continued to cry, Yoongi whispered words of comfort at the little dragon. The fire gem bearer was so focused on his pet that he didn't notice— or hear, thanks to the earmuffs— the anger soldier spitting out words next to him.

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