17. Reunion

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You blinked multiple times, not believing that you were really seeing Emily, your best friend, staring at you with a wide smile. You rubbed your eyes, thinking that you were hallucinating due to the amount of blood you lost, and gasped softly when Emily still remained. Indeed, she wasn't a figment of your imagination.

"Hey," Emily smirked, her eyes glossy with tears. You always thought that she would look beautiful in a pink dress and there was no doubt that she was. The electric bow in her hand rendered you speechless but to be frank, that was the least of your concerns right now.

Despite the confusion and blood soaking your dress, you pulled Emily into a hug and let your tears fall freely. You couldn't believe that you were seeing Emily in the flesh after so long, especially since you thought that you would never see each other again.

"I— I don't understand," You sniffed and pulled away from the hug, noticing that the wound in your abdomen was completely healed. You were definitely going to thank Jin after this. "How are you— but—"

Emily placed a finger on your lips to silence you and smiled, cupping your cheek with one hand and wiping your tears with the other. "Didn't you say yourself that we would meet again? Well, here I am."

Those words made you cry harder, so you held Emily's hand and squeezed it, hoping that you would make her feel your love and how much you missed her during all those weeks without her.

You and Emily's reunion had touched everyone in some way. Jin's eyes were glossy as well and he was squeezing Emily's shoulder for comfort. Jimin and Jungkook were smiling widely, their heart warmed by the scene before them. Even Yoongi and Taehyung were smiling just a bit, although Taehyung was hiding his expression with his hand, since he didn't want anyone to see him.

Then, you looked around, realizing that there was an unfamiliar man in the room — the blonde man, who sported white feathered wings on his back. At first, you wondered who he was, then you noticed the white gem, accompanied by a silver chain, which was resting on his chest. He's the bearer of the light gem? Who—

"Jungkook," You were surprised when Jungkook spoke suddenly, then he cleared his throat. "My name is Jungkook and yes, I'm the bearer of the light gem."

You blinked in confusion. "How—"

"For the third time today, Jungkook has the ability to hear thoughts," The familiar voice made you turn around and you saw Taehyung standing a foot away from you, arms crossed and eyes boring into your skull. Seeing Taehyung always reminded you of your first encounter with him and it felt... strange. Somehow, that event held a special place in your heart. "You should thank him, you know, if it wasn't for him you'd still be bleeding out."

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