29. Confrontation

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Even though Namjoon had a quick-witted mind, he still had to process what exactly was happening

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Even though Namjoon had a quick-witted mind, he still had to process what exactly was happening. He was currently running through the street markets of Cairo with Jimin and Jungkook, armed men in dark hoods chasing them from behind. He gently pushed people away as he continued to run, contrary to their opponents who even swung their weapons around to clear the way.

"Who are they?!," Jimin wheezed, hopping over a box of green apples. "Why are they chasing us?!"

"I think Shay sent them," Jungkook received looks of confusion from both Namjoon and Jimin. He was about to say something sarcastic then he realized that the two had no idea who Shay was. He rolled his shoulders, the urge to spread his wings taking over him. "She's an enchantress from Vrede, the right hand of the King of Hel. I think... I think she sent those men to kill us."

Namjoon's blood at the thought of being hunted down, of being someone's target, of someone else wanting him dead made a chill run down his spine. He jumped over a cart of watermelons, rolling on the ground and standing safely, hearing a crash behind him and dodged the melons that flew in the air.

Panting at how much he had ran in such a short amount of time, Namjoon's throat closed when he felt a gust of wind pass his face, then his cheek stung. He stopped running, standing in the middle of the street (idiotically) and brushed his fingertips over the wound, staring at the blood with wide eyes. He then turned around, watching as the hooded man took out star shaped blades from his pockets, holding them between his fingers as they gleamed under the sunlight.

Both Jimin and Jungkook were behind Namjoon, backs pressed against each his. He didn't need to look to know that they were surrounded. The earth bearer had no idea where the others were — he had lost sight of them when they spread out.

"There are so many of them," Jimin grunted, clutching his bleeding arm, a blade, similar to what the dark hooded men were wearing, wedged into his flesh. "I guess it can't be helped, huh?"

"We have no choice," Jungkook's torso was torn at the waist, blood seeping through the cloth. He was also staring at a hooded man, armed with the same weapons. "Namjoon, you got a plan?"

Namjoon glanced around, scanning the area, discovering that eight opponents were standing in front of the three of them. The gears of his mind started to turn and upon seeing the cart of fruits, the stall of electronics and scared civilians, a lightbulb lit up. His eyes slowly turned brown as he straightened his back, swiping the drops of blood on his face with his finger. "Jimin, you're in charge of offense, use the appliances from the stalls around you or give them one hell of a shock. I'll be in charge of defense, using the ground around me to protect us. Jungkook, go ahead and spread your wings, there's no use hiding them now. Distract them and try to find the others while you're high up — do not get any civilians hurt."

"Roger that, captain," Jimin smirked, his eyes now golden yellow, summoning a sparking ball of electricity on his palm, earning yelps from the people around them. He then flinched, the pain from his shoulder jolting through his limbs.

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