42. Bliksem

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When Jimin was woken up by Namjoon and was told that they were already above Bliksem, he had kicked off the duvets and nearly slipped in the hallway after running out of his room whilst putting on a shirt

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When Jimin was woken up by Namjoon and was told that they were already above Bliksem, he had kicked off the duvets and nearly slipped in the hallway after running out of his room whilst putting on a shirt. The soles of his feet ached because of how stomped on the metal floor and rushed up the stairs, throwing his body towards the door. He hissed a bit at the sudden brightness that blinded for a few seconds, the strong winds nearly knocking off his feet. He stumbled to the deck, seeing dark clouds and bolts of lighting flashing in the sky, accompanied by thick rain drops. The storm was in front of them and only now did the thunder gem bearer notice that the ship – Greta, he learned the name after seeing the inscription on the hallway a few days ago – was not moving.

Jimin looked around him, seeing Taehyung grasping the handles of the captain's wheel and Jungkook standing next to him with an open mouth. The rest were standing around the deck, either staring at the storm or trying to keep balance. He was the person who shattered the silence. "What's going on?"

"There's a storm right above Bliksem," Emily spoke, a hand above her eyes, Jin nodding next to her. "Jungkook says the storm is too dangerous to pass through."

"So what do we do?," You chimed in and yawned loudly, not even bothering to cover your mouth, the sight making Yoongi snicker. With your silver strands of hair sticking out all over the place, it was obvious that you had just woken up as well.

"We go low," Everybody faced Taehyung, who had his hood down, dark hair fluttering because of the wind. As per usual, his face was void of any emotions but Jimin could tell that something was odd about him, although he couldn't pinpoint it. "Literally. Bliksem was Vrede's pearl of trading so it has ports all around the city. Greta is designed to sail both air and water. We'll be fine."

And that settled it. Since everyone was curious at how Bliksem looked it, they all stayed outside whilst Taehyung started sailing lower. Jimin stared as the clouds started to disappear, replaced by the silhouette of small buildings and brown-roofed houses that were getting closer by the second. Now he could see the shape of what looked like a port, wooden planks stretching out into the glowing blue sea, however there were no ships present, making it look barren. He could see the silhouette of what seemed like a tower far away, standing tall and proud. Besides that, he noticed that were no lights in the city and everything was dark. The scenery of the hauntingly beautiful marble houses and brick roads in the darkness made a shiver run down the thunder bearer's spine.

Jimin wobbled when the ship jolted violently once it plopped onto the surface of the sea. He looked down, seeing his own reflection in the clear ocean, too deep for him to see the bottom, no signs of fish or any kind of life swimming in it. Greta's wings folded as it fully transformed into a normal water-sailing ship, rocking back and forth with the waves.

A loud yet muffled barfing noise made Jimin turn around, just in time to see a green Yoongi run to the side and puke, with you patting his back in comfort. Taehyung mumbled something under his breath and made Jungkook snicker. He wondered what the bearer of the gem of darkness had said.

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