49. Tranen

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"Are you sure that there isn't any other way to travel to Tranen?," Yoongi asked desperately as he shivered, more color draining from his face with each passing second

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"Are you sure that there isn't any other way to travel to Tranen?," Yoongi asked desperately as he shivered, more color draining from his face with each passing second. He was standing next to Jin, who was thankfully letting him lean on his broad shoulders in case he'd lose his balance. He didn't exactly feel the best, both physically and emotionally, and having a large body stretching out to infinity around him wasn't helping either. "You know, something that doesn't involve diving?"

"We aren't diving. We're submarining, if that's even a term," Namjoon said as he passed by while carrying large and obviously heavy boxes. Since Taehyung wanted the deck to be cleared out before Greta goes into submarine mode, the gang were currently doing the work. Yoongi wasn't because he felt like taking a step would make him barf and nobody wanted puke on the floor. Jin insisted on being his moral and physical support. "And Tranen is underwater so... I'm afraid that there's no other way."

"Namjoon's right, Yoongi," Jimin spoke from somewhere and Yoongi had to do a double take when he saw the boy sitting on top of Namjoon's stacked boxes, the latter giving no reaction. The thunder gem bearer had his head bent downwards, his orange fringe nearly covering his eyes, and it looked like he was scribbling something on a notebook. Then, he turned towards the two, a bright smile on his face. "Don't worry about it, we'll make sure that you'll be alright. You can trust us."

Trust. The word itself struck through Yoongi's chest, the pain shooting all throughout his body, heart aching. It made him turn towards you and Emily, the both of you pushing some boxes to the storage located next to the captain's quarters. The fire gem bearer actually caught of you glancing at him and a small part him was hoping that he'd give you a loving expression or anything that wasn't filled with anger or hate. However, you just turned away blankly and it felt like his heart had been stomped on with spiked shoes.

Yoongi blinked rapidly because he could feel tears forming in his eyes. He undoubtedly loved you with all his heart and right now, it didn't matter if you felt the same or not. He, was in fact, at the deepest layer of sadness but at the same time, he was also filled with hatred. Of course, it wasn't directed towards you. He hated how he no longer had the right to call you his, that there was no more reason to call you babe. He hated how his relationship with you had crumbled down and he hated how despite loving you, it still lacked trust.

And what Yoongi hated the most was the fact that the main root of his argument with you was one person. Taehyung was behind the captain's wheel, chattering with Jungkook about navigations as if he wasn't aware of being one of, if not the lone cause of his suffering. It made him ball his fists, grit his teeth, as his eyes glowed a bright orange. His fury was consuming him. His gem flickered purple.

"—gi," Feeling someone rocking his shoulders, Yoongi angrily turned around and saw Jin staring at him in concern. At that moment, he looked down, eyes widening when he realized that he was burning the wooden floor with his feet. "Yoongi, calm down."

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