47. Solitude

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A/N - when y'all need me, I'll be hiding in another part of the world because I'm sure that y'all will wanna kill me after this chap

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A/N - when y'all need me, I'll be hiding in another part of the world because I'm sure that y'all will wanna kill me after this chap


Grunting, Jin unconsciously swatted his arm in the air and pulled the duvets over his head, intent on falling back to sleep. He groaned in frustration when whoever was speaking him started softly shaking him awake so he turned around, peeking from under the sheets, vision still blurry due to his newly awakened state. Once his eyes finally adjusted, he saw Emily staring at him with glassy eyes and teeth digging into her bottom lip, expression instantly shifting into one of shock.

"Em?," Jin sat up, blonde hair disheveled, voice deeper than usual. He pulled the thick sheets off him and gently held Emily's arms, his heart aching at the sight of her looking so terrified. "What's wrong?"

"It's just," Emily paused, her brown eyes flicking towards the ground. She started playing with her hair, making Jin alert because this was the ultimate sign of both her fear and anxiety. "I was woken up by this dream and I was covered in sweat but... I don't remember it at all."

Jin sighed, absolutely understanding what Emily was feeling due to his own childhood experiences of waking at late hours due to unknown and mysterious nightmares, then he would end up running to his parents' bedroom in tears. Seeing his own girlfriend going through the same thing pained him, so, he engulfed her in a tight hug and rubbed her back in comfort, strands of her brown hair wrapping around his slender fingers. "Hey, it's okay. Whatever you dreamt of, it isn't real. It's trying to scare you and it isn't real. I'm here and you're safe, alright?"

Emily was silent for a moment before she returned the hug, her grip on Jin tighter than ever. Pulling back, she held both of his cheeks and planted a short yet sweet kiss on his lips. "Thank you."

"You're always welcome," Jin smiled up to his cheeks, eyes crinkling, and playfully ruffled Emily's hair, resulting from a complaint accompanied with laughter from the girl. His breath hitched in his throat when fingers suddenly attacked his waist and suddenly, he was laughing uncontrollably. "H-Hey, that tickles!"

Emily took this as an advantage, however, and tackled Jin on the bed, tickling him continuously as his windshield wiper sounding laugh bounced off the walls of the bedroom. As a form of revenge, Jin tapped Emily's back and she shivered when he brushed his fingertips just above her spine.

"Jin, don't you dare," Emily warned in a joking manner as a mischievous smile grew on Jin's face.

Jin attacked Emily, tackling her as he tickled her back, earning squeaking laughter from her. They shuffled around on the sheets, the room filled with joy, love and laughs. There was no doubt that the two enjoyed each other's presence, whether it be as friends or as lovers, they were completed by the other's companionship.

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