27. Small Talk

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The news of Yoongi and you dating earned mixed reactions from the rest of the wonders

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The news of Yoongi and you dating earned mixed reactions from the rest of the wonders. Jimin had pouted his lips, mumbling a complaint of no longer having the opportunity to invite Yoongi to the Single Men's club, which was some weird gathering between some of the wonders (Jin himself had been asked but he declined the offer). Jungkook simply sniffled a congratulations whilst Namjoon didn't even bother to care. Hoseok's remark of not knowing that the two weren't already a thing had made everyone burst into laughter.

Only Jin, Jia and Emily showed concern and happiness towards the two and for the first time in Jin's stay with the seven wonders, he earned a thanks from Yoongi, added with a gummy smile and flushed cheeks.

Speaking of Jia, Hoseok decided to bring her along and leave her to her parents once they head to Vrede, since their family was rooted from Egypt, which was bizarre yet extremely convenient for them.

Jin smiled to himself, glad that Yoongi had finally won you over, despite all the doubts and complications. This suddenly made him think of his own love life — his first thought: Emily. He didn't know why he always connected the thoughts to her but he knew that he was feeling some sort of way towards your best friend, something he has yet to understand.

Ironic, since Jin had figured out Yoongi's feelings before his own.

"Tell me again why you can't teleport us to Egypt instead, Taehyung?," Jimin said from behind Jin, who was taking out his ghost card from his pocket, ready to purchase their plane tickets.

"Because," Taehyung snarled from underneath his hood, making Jimin flinch, earning a stare from Jungkook, who was behind him. All ten of you were currently in line for plane tickets to Egypt, and Taehyung (who had also placed an enchantment on all of you to prevent any recognition from the police) was cranky because they had been waiting for hours. Even the usually cheeky Hoseok was frowning, lips shaped into an upside down heart. "Asking me to teleport ten people to the other side of the globe is just like signing my death contract."

Jin listened carefully, smiling at how Taehyung and Jimin bickered whilst an annoyed Hoseok told them to shush, you and Namjoon cackling loudly, tapping his card and rubbing the name of a young man — one that sounded similar to him but wasn't even close to his. Sighing, he pocketed the card, turning to the side when he felt a presence beside him.

There Emily stood, her long brown locks flowing down her shoulders, lips slightly parted. Jin noticed how her porcelain skin was glowing, even indoors, and he thought of how beautiful she was, how her big eyes were shining, smile brightening the whole room. He chewed his bottom lip, trying to resist the blood from creeping up to his cheeks. He kept telling himself that she was too young and only thought of him as a brother.

Brother. The word hurt Jin, even more than it should have.

"Don't you think it's weird?," Emily's voice was soft, breath tickling Jin's shoulder.

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