59. Move

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A/N - hi y'all for extra feels play BTS' Move at the end of the chap

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A/N - hi y'all for extra feels play BTS' Move at the end of the chap

WARNING! Extreme angst coming prepare yo selves

WARNING AGAIN! Prepare to cry cos I did at the end

Yoongi found the silence of Vlam's castle strange as he climbed up the steps, Holly's quiet groaning echoing in the empty stairwell. His metal boots made loud steps against the rock steps, the narrow area only illuminated by torches patterned alternately on both sides of him. He gulped at the thought of the current ruler of his kingdom, a thousand and one scenarios forming in his head about whoever this person could be. Somehow, he felt nervous. Could he handle it? Was he good enough to become a leader of the land of flames and dragons?

As if reassuring Yoongi, Holly purred and nuzzled its snout on his cheek. The fire gem bearer gently pet the head of his dragon and pursed his lips into a thin line. "You're right, Holly. I have to prepare for anything."

Yoongi sighed loudly and groaned at how the stairs seemed never ending, his legs feeling like they would give out at any moment. He let out a grunt if relief once two rock slabs appeared in his view, designs of red roses and thorns carved into the twin doors. Unexpectedly for him, two Vlamian guards were silently standing right in front of the doors.

Having no time to hide, Yoongi was easily spotted by one of the Vlamians. The guard slowly walked towards the grey haired boy and dragon, gun in hand. "And who are you?"

"Well, let's see...," Yoongi hummed and looked away, giving the guard an impression that he was trying to recall something. Behind his back, he secretly balled one of his hands into a fist. "Why don't you find out?"

The guard couldn't even react to Yoongi punching him in the face, causing him to tumble and drop his weapon. The second Vlamian immediately pulled out his gun and aimed but Holly flew, using its claws to snatch the pistol away.

Yoongi continued to struggle with the Vlamian, hearing Holly and the other guard shuffling in the background, the two of them rolling on the floor. The fire gem bearer reached for the gun, his fingertips brushing against it, until he was picked up and thrown towards the wall, jolts of pain shooting up his back.

Grunting at the pain, Yoongi opened his eyes and saw the guard pointing his gun at him. He instantly clacked his ankles together and jumped, the flames of his boosters blinding the guard. Landing back on his feet, the grey haired man pounced towards the Vlamian and punched once more, this time knocking him out cold.

Yoongi whipped his head around when he heard Holly yelping in pain. The sight of the Vlamian guard harshly tugging on his dragon's wings instantly fueled his anger, his teeth sharpening and eyes turning orange. "Don't you fucking touch Holly!"

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