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I am Autumn Rivers. I stood in the cold empty room, staring at myself in the mirror. My medium length, thin hazel hair was laying curled by my shoulders. My heart shaped face was covered in a thin layer of makeup as if to show part of my real face off as well. I was wearing a navy blue dress which clung tightly to my curvy figure. My hips stuck out in this dress. My shoes were navy blue stilettos which slung on my feet easily and comfily.
I stared at my blue eyes and sighed deeply. I peered out the window and noticed that the streets were covered in a thick mountain of fluffy white snow that was freshly laid from last night. I remembered it was three years ago today, January sixth, I gazed out of the same window in the same room, unaware of the day ahead of me. Because three years ago today I had the best and worst day of my life yet. I had just turned nineteen a week before, it was hard to think I was twenty two now. I felt like I had changed so much.
If someone asked me to write a story about that day in my life I could easily manage, but I would shed many tears whilst making it.
Three years ago today I woke up early to go and surprise my boyfriend of five years. If was our fifth anniversary that day so I surprised him. His name was Sean Brown and he was my everything. He was tall, skinny and pale with a small scratching of stubble around his face which always tickled my cheeks when we kissed. I used to joke about it all the time. His dark brown hair was shrunk to his head and although he wasn't rated the cutest, I was lost in love with his romantic ways.
However he was also romantic to more than just me. I knocked on his door but he didn't answer. I remembered at that moment that I had a key, and it was the best and worst decision I had ever made to use it. I walked into his dark bedroom thinking he was still asleep, but he was in bed with a woman who quickly became my mortal enemy.
Unaware at that moment he was cheating on me with a girl called Hibbert Jay-Green. She had dark skin and was skinny, anorexic almost. She looked as if you touched her the wrong way she would snap in Half. Where were her hips? Her hair was black and wrapped around her head in a spiral. It was shorter than Sean's.
I was heartbroken, I thought Sean was "the one" but he obviously liked someone other than me. Hibbert ran and left me and Sean to pick up the pieces, at least I knew then.
Sean tried to win me back but I sprinted out of the house too. I was meant to go back to work after the Christmas holidays that day but I called in sick.
I remember laying on the floor of my house by the front door, snow messily thrown around me. I also remember Sean banging on the door for over an hour.
"AUTUMN! I KNOW YOU'RE THERE!" soon turned into "AUTUMN, PLEASE...IM SORRY" and hearing sobs in the snow. He must have got cold sooner or later as he left.
I was a mess, flicking snow of my coat and laying on the sofa staring into space.
The worst day of my life wasn't all bad, though.
There was a knock on the door and I ignored it. Somehow the person unlocked the door with a key. For a moment I thought it was Sean but I hadn't given him a key. I sat up and noticed my brother , Leon Rivers at the door, covered in fresh white powder.
He was shorter than me, with a thick brown beard hanging off his chin. This matched his hair perfectly as it was always long and floppy, pushed to one side. He was quite ripped, but never really had a proper girlfriend.
I explained to him why I was a mess and Leon was really sympathetic. He said he came in as he was worried because I always answer straight away.
The best day of my life part came when he said he got a job where he and Sean worked. I didn't want to work where Sean worked anymore but wasn't going to turn down the offer. Leon worked at a huge file sorting factory, and although it didn't sound fun I had always wanted to work like that. To make it better my champion of a brother worked there.
" I just got a promotion so I asked for your job as a reward" I remember him saying softly to me as we cuddled and he wiped my tears. Although I, again, didn't know it at the time this was the best thing that would ever happen to me.
After the breakup my condition deteriorated. I was convinced that I had gained trust issues so Leon made me go to the doctors. This was the place it was confirmed o me I had serious anxiety after several panic attacks hit me in the doctors office. I freaked out but the only way to show my fear that wasn't " silly" was to freak out and panic. I couldn't control my emotions.
After I walked home from the doctors in the slushy, yellow muck, I noticed a big moving van outside Sean's house.
I talked to him for the first time in ages. Apparently he was moving from California ( where i live now) all the way to Tennessee because he couldn't last here anymore. He had given his job away as he couldn't stop thinking about me.
" good" I remember fuming, his loss. I told him about the serious anxiety and he tried to hug me. I shouted at him and pushed him away. " this is all your fault" I fumed at him before running home and having another panic attack.
I know what you're thinking, how do you comeback from that? And I admit it was the lowest moment in my life, but karma soon gave me a reward. Since working at the factory I have met so many amazing people and had so many great experiences. It's been magic.
I have an amazing best friend, Katie Holmes. We clicked as soon as we met each other as she was the person who I was sharing my office with. She was tall and skinny with shaped blonde hair and a fringe making her look like a barbie. She even has sparkly green eyes and is such a girly girl that she wears dresses and skirts every day, just like me. She is everything I wanted to be as a kid, and even now I was twenty two. She listens to everything I say and helps me through everything. She was the only person I told about my first ever crush.
Patrick Summs was my crush at the workplace. He was short, ripped and blonde. He had a Texas accent which I adored so much and the way his dark blonde hair was gelled up made my heart race. I went all soppy every time he was near me and he did two. Surprisingly on my first week he asked me out and a year and a half on, we're still together. We have many memories together.
I have an awesome enemy, Hibbert who I discovered met Sean through work. She's so fun to mess with, also a pain in the ass. I could really do without her.
I have so many amazing friends two like my favourite sisters Lily and Sarah Hill. Lily is tall with a soft face and tanned skin, her long brown hair is the exact same shade as mine but is always straightened and pulled up into a bun. Sarah is shorter and more freckled. Her voice wows me every time she speaks, croaky but soft and charming. She has short red hair which she pulls up into a ballet bun, much neater then her sister.
And that's my life here..... Well there's one more person.
His name is Lee Natward and he is tall and muscular. He travels loads and is always tanned. He is such a player and has hooked up with almost every girl on this place. Lee doesn't love any girl, he messes her around because he can. He would never settle down, but he always makes me get so hyper and happy. I shouldn't really like him as I date Patrick, but I can't help having a tiny crush on him. Everyone here does. But for some reason he acts different around me. He has the sexiest voice and always calles me " beautiful" or " gorgeous" instead of Autumn. He isn't shy and has an amazing sense of humour, just like Patrick. I'll never get with him though, he can't touch me, I'm taken.
I smiled at myself in the darkened mirror, I'm great full for a packed full life like mine.
" new year, new starts" I mumbled to myself as I fumbled through my keys to unlock my door. I hesitantly stepped out into the snow which turned out to be ankle deep.
Instead of shriek like any other girl I laughed.
This was my life and I, Autumn Rivers, wasn't ashamed of the memories I had made, they had made me stronger...
Hey guys it's me! So I don't know if you liked this or not but it was just the pilot and should get loads better as it goes on... I hope so annyways.  Please, please, please comment and vote, I love having conversations with you guys but no one ever comments.. 😬oh well thanks for making it this far and I love you guys. Bye xxx

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