Travel torture

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I sat on the coach and shut my eyes straight away, I was ready. I spent all of breakfast thinking my plan through and I knew exactly what I was going to do. I watched Lee sit down in front if me, as he walked in the coach he looked at me expectantly but looked away as soon as he saw me with shut eyes. I watched him sit down and listened in as the coach pulled away.
"Hey man" Lee sighed as he sat down.
"Hey Lee" Ben true d in his phone. "Want to play Pokemon go?"
"Nah not now, sorry" Lee sighed again, this wasn't like him. He loved Pokemon go and layaway played with Ben.
"Ok, shall I show you my Pokemon then, I have a pikachu!?" 
For the next half hour I listened to Ben explaining all about his Pokemon to Lee who occasionally grunted or nodded. Something was wrong but he obviously wasn't going to say here, so I aborted mission. I was slightly discouraged but I hoped it was nothing.
I wriggled about and tried to sleep as I didn't have to concentrate, but I was too focused now, too worried. I didn't need sleep anyway...
"Man I'm not in the mood sorry" I heard Lee mutter. My heart skipped a beat, was he about to tell Ben what was upsetting him? I pushed my head forward and opened my eyes a tiny bit to see the drama. I noticed Lee staring at me fondly, I tried not to flinch as he still thought I was sleeping, he couldn't see my eyes were open.
"What's wrong dude?" Ben asked switching his phone off.
"You know the thing I told you before we left?" Lee lowered his voice. "I need to tell Autumn" I heard his voice break as if he was going to start crying.
"You haven't told her yet? I thought you were an item!" Ben sounded shocked and I could tell as he sat forward on his chair.
"No, I want to be so badly but you know it won't work out. I don't know how to say it"
"Well done Autumn, this is going brilliant. He'll say in a minute what he needs to tell you"
"Just be straight with her, say something like-"
And because I'm doomed my phone beeped in my pocket which made me jump. I sat up and kicked the back of Lee's chair.
"For fu- sake!!!why me I was just about to find out?" I nearly cried.
"Um....Pokemon yeah?" Lee changed the subject, looking at me suspiciously. I smiled at him.
I hoped it was something good that disturbed me from my mission. Maybe it was Katie finally?
"Aol news for today : man gets his dog stuck in elevator had a nervous breakdown" I read the email and wanted to smash my phone into a million pieces. I was so close to finding out and was ruined by aol junk mail. I deleted the mail, huffed and slammed my body back in the chair. Life was so unfair.
I gave up after that, it wasn't meant to be obviously. But my mind didn't stop, thoughts raced around like a racetrack. What was he going to tell me? Why did he tell Ben and not me? Why was he telling others? This couldn't be just about me and it couldn't be positive as he's so unhappy.
For the next three hours no one spoke, Lee and Ben napped while lily and Sarah dozed and posted in Instagram. I was wide awake. This was travel torture, I wanted to know and wanted to speak to someone about it. I wish Katie was here, or at least picking up her phone. It was 2 pm and I sighed. Why couldn't this be over so he could tell me what was going on?
We pulled into a services and Lee woke up.
"Oh cool, the wine shop, who's coming?" He asked, perking up. Ben and Sarah followed him off the bus while me and lily sat still.
"So, what's wrong?" Lily asked when we were alone.
"What? Nothing" I shrugged, avoiding eye contact.
"I know when you're lying Autumn, spill" I reached to tell her, I'd told her almost everything I'd told Katie, so why couldn't I?
"Ok, so basically..." I told her the whole story.
"Autumn, you know I'm honest with you but that doesn't sound so good. Just ride it out,  if it's that big of a deal then he will have to tell you sooner or later" lily put her head on one side to think.
"Yeah I guess, this is just travel torture!" I forced a laugh.
Lee and the others came back on with plastic bags that clinked together.
"Bought some nice alcohol Lee?" I asked, gently rubbing his shoulder. He flinched.
"Yeah..." It was getting worse.
"You ok?" I asked, quickly taking my hands off his shoulder. "Geese I was Trying to be romantic"
"Yeah, as long as you're mine"he didn't look me in the eye and so,etching about it was off,but I took it.
The coach pulled away agains and nothing happened till later I think the night.
The blue lights were on as the sun had set and they illuminated the bus so beautifully. I remembered the drive down where I'd been so secxited, when I git super frisky with Lee and he wanted it. It was weird to think about it now, what happened to my wonderful, handsome, fun loving guy?
9:34 I sighed as we pulled into a service station.
"Ooh McDonald's !" Lily laughed as we pulled up. I grabbed. My bag and walked slowly off the coach behind Lee. I sniffed in his fresh scent.
I got a burger and chips before sitting down with lily and Sarah.
"Omg I'm queen bee !" Lily giggled as she put a kids happy meal hat on her head like a crown.
I laughed for the first time today, and it was genuine. "OMG I can be one too! I'm princess bee" I joked, grabbing a crown next to its do sliding it uncomfortably on my head. Lee and Ben walked past, trays full. I s kids at Lee as he caught my eye and posed as if to say "hey boo look at me" but to my dismay he looked through me and walked away, not even acknowledging me.
My spirits were so dampened now. How do you come back from that?
Once we got back on the coach it was gone 10:30. I snuggled down and decided to get some sleep. After a late night last night and a terrible, torturous travel day I was very tired. I settled down as I saw shadows climb on the coach. I thought about Lee and couldn't sleep, so I thought about all the good memories I had made in Spain. I drifted slowly...
I didn't wake for a while. Until the light was slowly creeping into my eyes. I wriggled but noticed I was the only one awake.the sky was pink as the sun had only just risen and I stretched out.
"I know but I can't just say it can I?" I recognised that voice, it was Lee's. I quickly scrabbled back into my sleeping position to listen.
"Blocking her out isn't going to make it any easier Lee" I saw bend hand touch Lee's knee and I cringed.
"But in so scared Ben"
"Just be straight with her, do you love her?"
"You know I do and always have, the moment I saw her, and when she became single-"
"Lee, exactly you can't lie to her" Ben shook his head.
"I know, or breaks my heart ti nit tell her, and it's gonna break it even more to tell her."
"I'm sure she'll respect your decision Lee, if she loved you she would"
My heart broke. Lee loved me and he was scared how I'd take his decision. What was his decision, it killed me.
"Goodnight Lee, think about it yeah?"
"Yeah, thanks Ben" the boys birth lay back down and relaxed. I secretly checked my phone. It was 4:54 in the morning. I decided to get some sleep to.
However the conversation floated around in my head. Even when I tried to think about other things, it was a,ways at the back of my mind and something would relate to Lee and bring up the memory. It was so frustrating. I ended up getting some sleep at around 7 in the morning.
"Autumn are you awake?" Lily gently nudged me.
"Yeah!" I sat up confused. The coach was moving again but it was switched off.
"Not to worry you but we're on the plane again" Sarah stroked my head.
"I'm fine" I sat up not wanting pity. I had more things to worry about last night.
"What's the time?" I asked.
"9:30" lily nodded.
"So wears landing in an hour?" I asked. Lily nodded again. This was killing me, I couldn't live like this.

Hey guys t'is me! How was this part then? So they're on their way home and something definitely isn't right with Lee! What does he need to tell Autumn? When will he tell her? Will Autumn deal with the landing ok? Pleas comment because they mean the world to me. I love you guys for reading so far, bye bye bye bye bye bye! Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Yay kisses. I'm hyper.....tmi WOHOO!

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