Getting frisky

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With clammy palms and shaky legs, i squinted my eyes to brace myself for the landing. Why was this such a big deal now? It used to be so simple.
"You ok?" Lily asked unnervingly.
"Yeah sure" I pushed through gritted teeth. I tried to act more normal, opening my eyes and stopping crumpling my face up. I still dug in to the seats and squished my legs together uncomfortably.
"Ladies and gentlemen seat belts on please we will now be making our way down to land in France! Thank you" the announcement crackled in my brain, words replaying in my head like a record.
"You're fine Autumn stop acting like a baby. If you cry I swear to the gods I'll kill you!" I fumed to myself in my head. I felt the plane jolt down and I held back a lump of scream in my throat. Lily and Sarah started laughing hysterically.
Lily caught my eye and whacked Sarah, straight faced.
"Sorry Autumn it's just... Makes my belly tickle" Sarah apologised.
"No it's fine, you guys have fun I'm cool here" someone should have tattooed "liar" on my head if I wasn't already that obvious.
"Well if you're sure" lily muttered, unsure. I was fine, truthfully. I'd just rather be in the ground. The plane jolted again and Sarah and lily held their bellies laughing again.
"Hey beautiful how's it going?" He asked, holding my knee again. I swallowed nervously.
"Good, makes my belly tickle" I would thank lily and Sarah for that later.
"See it's fun really" he smiled, unaware of how I was really feeling.
"Yeah you're so right" I forced a smile.
"There's ma girlie!" He joked. I forced a laugh before watching him turn around.
It took half hour for all of the randomly often jolts to pass.
"We are almost down at the French airport, soon we will be reaching the runway" the captain boomed. I gulped again. "We may feel some bumpiness or banging as we land, hard turbulence, so please don't be shocked by that" he added, I shivered at the thought of it. "We'll probably also fall off the plane, hit the hard concrete and die, maybe even explode and plummet to death!" I expected him to say next.
The plane gave a last jolt before a hard juggling sensation.i was lifted from my seat, flung back down, up again and down again all in fast motion. The feeling was indescribable.
Luckily it only lasted a few seconds before we were rumbling along the concrete again.
I finally lifted my sweaty hands from the seat and wiped them on my jeans. I also wiped the bead of sweat if my head and breathed out,so satisfied to be on the ground safe again.
"You did it beautiful!" Lee muttered enthusiastically without turning around.
"Yeah... I did, thank you" I smiled for real, proud for real that I didn't freak out.
I finally relaxed while the lane slowed to a halt. My legs still felt like the plane was moving but everything was still.
"Thank you for flying with the American airways air ferry today and have a pleasant time in France, have fun! This was your captain Jerry speaking goodbye and fly with us again soon" the captain hung up the microphone.
"We will we'll fly with you on the way back" Ben laughed absent mindedly. I shuddered but tried not to think about it. instead I thought about the fun week ahead. Kyle sat in the drivers seat and everyone buckled up. The minibus' engine roared and we waited for our carriage to be opened.
Suddenly a beam of light flooded into the bus, making me squint my eyes.i looked behind me and noticed that the strange looking woman was opening the door behind us to let the car out. I watched her walk around and open the door in front of us and all of the cars above us.
Once all the doors seemed to be opened, the car in front of us started moving and we followed it through the dim light. We ended up out in a empty port, light blinding us!
"We're in France!" I giggled bind blown. I couldn't believe we were in Europe, a different county!
We all cheered as we drive two seconds up to a services area.
"Alright dudes check the time" Lee laughed. It was 8pm already!! It was still light outside as we pulled in to the parking space.
"So who's up for dinner?" Lee asked, turning round to grin at us.
"Me!" We all chorused. I unplugged my belt again and dragged my bag out from under my seat before walked out after Lee and Ben. lily and Sarah followed me as we walked out into the warm open air.
"For Europe it's so warm" lily laughed, taking her cardigan off and wrapping it around her skinny waist.
"I know right it's so lush!" I smiled, sticking my arms out into the sun. We followed Lee, who looked like he knew where he was going, into the service station. It was small, with two French shops and a huge Burger King. The boys queued up while the girls all went into the toilets.
I used the loo before brushing out my hair and refreshing my makeup, making cat eyes with my eye liner. Maybe this would turn lee's head? I walked out and queued up ordering a small burger and large chips.
I took out my dollars to pay when I realised I had to pay with euros.
"Oops je suis desole" I muttered heading her the euros instead.
"Mercy" she nodded as I walked off to join my girls. I placed my tray on a table next to Sarah, opposite lily.
"I can't believe we're in France!" I smiled.
"It's so crazy. I hope we're awake when we cross the border in Spain" lily wondered, biting her burger.
"Yeah but I don't really know. We've been to England before but never this part of Europe."Sarah nodded whilst she dipped a chip in bbq sauce.
"I'll ask Lee" my eyes glistened as I mentioned his name.
"So are you two together?" Lily laughed, wriggling up to me.
"You're always trying to magic relationships out of your ass, no were ...." I thought for the words "friends with benefits" I laughed.
"Not more?" Lily pushed.
"No!" I gave her a fond punch in her arm.
My phone buzzed again in my pocket.
"Hey Autumn, how are you. It's 3 here so I'm guessing it's like 8 or 9 where you are. How's it going? Did you like the plane I know you used to love planes with Sean, but we won't talk about him shall we? Annyways just wondering what you're up to" Katie had sent me. I laughed and replied instantly.
"Just landed here in France! We're all good just eating Burger King, wish you were here too. The plane ride was a bit shaky, and I don't mean turbulance. For some reason I started panicking on the plane and I don't know why. But to be fair the last flight I took was before I was diagnosed so it may be that. I ended up telling Lee because I nearly had a panic attack. But the flight wasn't turbulent and when we landed it wasn't as bad as take off and correct it's 9 but still light out! Surprisingly warm for Europe. How's it going back in sunny California? " I sent the text before switching my phone off and tucking it in my pocket. I finally started eating after as my stomach grumbled hungrily.
After we had all finished we walked outside to meet up with Lee and Ben.
I sat on the wall next to Lee and cuddled up to his muscles. "Hey Lee " I muttered seductively. I wanted some loving now, I wanted him to feel me and notice me.
"Mmm, hey sexy nice makeup" he whispered, cuddling into me. Yes! He bought in.
"What time will we cross the Spanish border?" I asked in the most sexy accent I could manage.
"Early hours of the morning.. Why are you so sexy tonight?" He couldn't take his eyes off me and it made me so happy. I held back the good emotions.
"That's just me" I flicked some of his hair behind his ears.
"When everyone's asleep on the bus tonight come find me" he grumbled in my ear.
"Oh no" I pulled away."that's only for couples" I played hard to get, hinting that I wanted to be his girlfriend.
"Can we go to the coach now?" Lily asked just in time.
"Yeah let's go" I smiled, switching back to my normal American accent.
"Bye Lee" the sisters chorused.
"Bye bye" I smirked, waving sexily. "Well done Autumn for once it all went well, he bought in and you didn't fuck up" I gave a smug smile to myself and laughed. Lee was the first man I'd ever got seductive like that with, I was testing my limits and his, this made me proud of who I was.
I sat down in my seat and buckled up with my drink settling and getting ready for my limit testing journey. As tonight I felt like I could test them and be a bit frisky. Show Lee the sexy side of me (if I had one).maybe he'd take me then, thinking of me as seductive rather that immature. It was dangerous but I'd try and pull it off.

Hi guys, it's me ! How was this part? So they're safe and landed in France. Autumn decided to be a rebel and test her flirting limits with Lee. Will Lee want her as a girlfriend now? What will happen on the remained or the journey to Spain? Please comment as I love reading them and I love you for reading this far.  bye guys ily! Xxx

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