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Now it really couldn't get any worse.
"Lily what are we going to do?" I asked, trembling again.
" I... Don't know"she sniffed solemnly.
"My gosh" I felt the panic rising inside me.
"STOP" she shouted sensing my fear. " you're not having another panic attack, we'll find our way, just look at the signs. Remember any?"
I realised I'd been so lost in Lee that I wasn't even paying attention to the roads.
"No" I began to cry again.
"LEE!" Lily shouted suddenly, I whipped around and saw him running around. He looked distressed and scared but I couldn't think why.
"Thank god" I breathed out. Then my heart began beating faster again. Not thank god, I remembered him flirting with the other girl and shivered. I didn't want to talk to him.
"Not him" I whined, wiping tears.
" what?" Lily asked confused.
"Don't worry I'll tell you back in the village" I furiously looked for places to hide and noticed a little wooden sign. "THE VILLAGE" I shouted over whelmed with relief.
"Yes I heard you" lily mumbled looking at the floor.
"No look, the village" I took her and and we ran across the road and up the steps into our cottage. I locked the door and threw myself on the bed, breathing out.
"Oh my gosh thank the Lord" lily shuddered and sat next to me. " you ok? Want to talk?" She asked. She reminded me of Katie. So I told her everything. Filled in the details about Sean, talked about Lee and our connections and even the girl.
"First of all, when we get back to work Sean is dead to me and I'm never speaking to him again. That's why it was so awkward when I got him to help out with your ankle" she muttered angrily as the pieces of the puzzle fell into place. I nodded,crying even more and not even caring about how much of a mess I was. " secondly Lee is also dead to me. He's such a player" she shook her head.
" I know right" I sobbed. There was a knock on the door and I jumped. "Please can you get it I don't want to speak to anyone right now, if it's Sarah let her in." I wiped the tears and hid my face.
"It won't be Sarah. She'll think were still at the club and has a key." Lily rubbed my back and stood up as she opened the door I heard an alarmed gasp. I looked up and noticed a worried Lee standing at the door.
"Is Autumn here?" He asked biting his thumbnail. I'd never seen him so on-edge before.
"Why would she want to speak to you?" Lily asked, anger burning in her voice. Lee caught my eye and breathed out. I hid my face again, Was he worried about me? Did he see my panic attack? I started slowly freaking out in my head.
"Oh my god Autumn he saw!! He is gonna think you're creepy weirdo. Yeah he knows your situation but he hasn't seen you're ugly crying face" I started trembling all over again.
"Oh good can I speak to her?" I heard him echo.
"No, why would she want to speak to you you freaking cheater. F off. Don't lead her down the wrong path you ass hat" lily fumed.
"Lily, please let him" I stood up, knees shaking.
"I know and you did the right thing but it's my turn now" I nodded walking to the door.
"Ok I'm gonna go find... A water fountain?" She ran off quick and I gestured towards the bed. Lee walked in and sat down. I avoided all eye contact and sat on Lily's bed. I knew she wouldn't mind.
"I was so worried when I couldn't find you" he shrugged sombre.
"Yeah right" I forced a laugh but it came out all high pitched and demented.
"What do you mean?" He sounded genuinely confused but I didn't buy it.
"You were having the time of you're life don't lie dickhead!" I fumed, loosing my mind. More tears splashed my cheeks and I stood up as I didn't want to cover Lily's bed in mascara.
"I'm not a dickhead I don't know what you mean!" He raised his voice.
"WHAT THE HELL DID I DO?" Lee shouted standing up and slamming his hands on the bed. I jumped back, scared but I kept my game face on.
"Let me buy you a drink" I mimicked. His face softened and he walked towards me, I took a step back instantly.
"Beautiful" he soothed. " that was my aunts friend" he chuckled, thoughts circled my head. I had a flashback of the woman and she did look old, I remembered the wrinkles on her head.
"Autumn, you're that overprotective lover. The one who reads to much into things. Idiot now you look so stupid causing a scene over nothing" I fell to the floor and sobbed, not even caring that he was watching me.
"I'm... So....sorry" I pushed out in between sobs. Mascara dropped onto my hand, but I couldn't feel it. I looked down and saw Lee sitting next to me, the tear drops were falling onto Lee's hand!
"No I'm sorry for leaving you alone and banging your bed. It was just because I wouldn't want you leaving me. I like you a lot. And I'll prove it soon" he soothed, wrapping his arms around me.
"I... too" I cried Into his shoulder. I decided to tell him about the panic attack and surprisingly he was so helpful.
"Don't worry, happens to everyone, well everyone who has anxiety. You're honestly the strongest person I know beautiful." He nuzzled into him and it felt solemnly great.
"Thank you." I muttered.
"I want you so bad, you're even beautiful when you're sad" before I could reply he was stroking my wet, makeup streaked face and kissing me.
Because I was sad it wasn't as good as the bench kiss, but it was still amazing. He towered above me, kissing me as my cold back hit the floor. We kissed for two minutes before he pulled away.
"Thank you" I smiled, better moods flooding to me.
"No problem beautiful. It's midnight get some sleep please. You're only emotional because you're exhausted."he muttered. He picked me up and I snuggled into him as he plopped me down on my bed. I didn't care that I was still in my Yeager bomb covered dress and I let him tuck me in.
"Nope, it's because I lov- like you lots and don't want to loose you" I sighed, breathing in his fresh scent.
"I like you so much too. If this wasn't a single bed I'd be beside you beautiful" he stroked my hair.
"I wish you were"
"I'll be beside you this whole holiday. Of course you have lily and Sarah for tomorrow, your girly day, but I'll be with you after tonight"
"Please do. "I snuggled into the pillow tiredly.
"I will, you strong girl"
"I'm not strong really, I'm a cry baby"
" not strong!?!he whispered in my ear. Far from it..." That was the last thing I heard before the light in my head switched off. Wow, I must have been tired. Part of me wondered what would have happened if I stayed awake, but my"cutie" didn't hang around.
"I'm strong, I'm strong, I'm strong" I muttered under my breath as u woke up. It was early as lily and Sarah were still snoring in their beds. After what lily did for me last night I decided to pay them back. First I hopped in the shower and cleaned off my "I'm a drunk" type of smell. I threw my ruined dress in my suitcase and hoped I could sort it out back home. I went outside too dry my hair as I didn't want to wake lily and Sarah.
The sun had risen and the warm air dried my hair in ten minutes.
After I dressed up in some denim shorts and a preppy, pleated white shirt that was flowing around my waist.
I tied my hair in a top knot and did my light makeup. I may have over done it with the bronzer but I didn't care.
I slipped my feet into my trainers and played music through my phone into my earphones as I jogged down to the shops.
I looked at the shelves if the Spanish supermarket for ages, buying a gourmet breakfast and jogging back.
When I got back I put on more deodorant, body spray and perfume. I laid the foods out of four plates. One for Sarah, lily, Lee and me. Ben and I hands really spoken and always had protein shakes for breakfast according to Lee, so I didn't feel guilty in leaving him out.
I gave everyone some fruits, a croissant, breakfast cake, pancakes, toast and pineapple juice.
"Perfect" I smiled to myself. I was proud, maybe I real,y was strong like Lee said?

Hi peeps, it's me! So did this charm you? Autumn is ok with Lee and it all turned out Alright. How are Lee, lily and Sarah going to react to the breakfast? Will Autumn and Lee continue to make out in random places? Please comment as they make me smile and I'll see you guys in another part. I love you for reading so far, bye bye ! Xxx

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