Girly day!

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I heard a stir behind me and saw that lily was waking up. She mumbled something, rolled over and sat up looking annoyed.
"The chicken....Autumn?" She asked rubbing her eyes.
"I'm not a chicken but erm, hi I guess" I laughed.
"No don't worry, the chickens stole my banana but whatever"
"You have some messed up dreams" I laughed, quickly hiding the breakfast trays round the corner.
"You're so funny Autumn"
"No lily, you are" I smiled at her and Sarah started mumbling.
"Could you two be any quieter?" She asked sitting up
"Good, it's about time you woke up" I smiled brightly, ignoring the question.
"Why?" She croaked, gravel in her voice.
"I have a surprise for you girls, so get showered and dressed and you'll see it" I turned away mysteriously and sat down on my bed. The girls did as they were told and got in the shower before getting ready.
"Morning beautiful" Lee had texted me. I smiled.
"Hello neighbour, you descent?"
"Yup, why you're scaring me?"
"You'll see, be there in five" I laughed evilly as I sent the text and walked to where I hid the breakfast trays.
"Just popping over to see Lee, when you're ready sit on my bed and don't move, I mean it" I yelled it the girls over the sound of a hairdryer. I took a tray and left the bungalow, walking to Lee's whilst kicking dirt under my feet.
I knocked on the door and held my breath.
"This is so childish he probably doesn't like any of this he's going to leave you and-"
" hey beautiful" he smiled looking at me.
"I made you breakfast" I muttered shyly, holding out the tray.
"Aww babe, that's my favourite we were just going out for breakfast and everything! That's amazing!!!" He pulled me into a hug and I dropped his tray on the side board.
"Thanks, I worry about you getting hungry" I jokingly patted his muscular stomach and he laughed.
"I have to go now, but thank you" Lee said smiling brightly.
"No problem, see you tonight!" I walked off satisfied. He called me babe like we were a  couple and I was so elated over it.
"So girls who's ready for the surprise?" I burst in to two freshly dressed and washed friends on my bed, smiling excitedly.
"Me!" Sarah laughed.
"ME ME ME ME ME OMG SO ME!"lily screeched, taking it one step further.
"Alright, here's breakfast" I laughed, bringing out the two trays of breakfast.
"Omg Autumn thank you" Sarah smiled, tucking in.
"Yeah thank you Autumn you didn't have to do this" lily gasped.
"No thank you and of course I did, now let's eat" I instructed, grabbing my own plate and beginning to eat.
"So who is ready to shop till we drop?" Lily asked, biting a strawberry and making a "mmm" face.
"Me so ecxited!" Sarah nodded.
"Me three, let's go girly day" I giggled. "By the way, Sarah you never told us what happened last night with Ben" I had flashbacks.
"Yeah we went back to his room after and we're now an item!" Sarah laughed.
"Congrats" lily smiled, patting her sister on the back.
"What did you do in the room?" I pushed.
"Hung around. Made out a bit" Sarah blushed.
"So he didn't break your virginity?"
"No.. Well yeah he did. How did you know?"
"I know stuff, had a feeling. Was it nice?" I asked stupidly.
"Lovely" she smiled blissfully.
After we ate we all left the house and walked up to the local Spanish high street. We flittered from one shop to another, lots and lots all day long. I ended up with three huge shopping bags at lunch.
"Breakfast was beautiful, like you. Xxx how's the girly day going?" I felt a buzz from my phone as I was eating strawberry ice cream for lunch.
"Hi! Thank you so much. The girly day is going great!" I replied with a picture of my bags.
"Wow keep shopping that's a lot!"
"Tell me about it, how's the boy day going?"
"Good, me and Ben are just having a lunch break from sightseeing. You up for the club again tonight?"
"Same here. And ooh yeah sounds good. See you tonight xx"
"Till then beautiful" he finished. I switched my phone off and stood up.
"Let's go there next" I pointed at a Spanish clothing store with beautiful dresses and bought a navy blue fishtail with a long flowing waistband almost like a cape.
After that we continued shopping at many stores; sweet shops, makeup stores, clothes stores and more. At around eight we walked home with seven barging shopping bags each.
"The perfect girly day huh?" I asked, sorting out my purchased products.
"Yeah I can't wait to see Ben tonight" Sarah smiled.
"Well you can shower first then" lily teased as we began to get ready.
"Getting ready now, meet you outside yours in an hour cutie" I texted Lee, my fingers hovered above the send button but I realised I had called him cutie, his silly nickname. So I deleted that and sent the message, laying back in the bed and picking out my makeup.
I ended up dressing up the same as yesterday. Hair in a waterfall braid, make updark and smoky and skin soft and moisturised. The only thing I changed was my dress which was an emerald green skinny dress which clung to my figure. On my feet I slid on some green sandles.
"Done" I whispered.
"How do i look?" Said Sarah suddenly wearing makeup and getting worried about her looks. She was wearing a blue sequinned dress which hung low by her feet, covering her shoes.
"Take the makeup of Sarah, it's lovely but not you" I told her sternly. "Ben loves you, not this socially stressed girl"
"Ok thanks" she muttered sounding relieved. Once she walked back in the room she's looked at me expectantly.
"That's better you look superb" I hugged her and turned around at the sudden sound of the bathroom closing.
Lily walked in wearing a flowing dress which up was up to her knees and very loose, but the back tail hung down low so it floated around her calves. She was wearing periwinkle heels which matched the colour of her dress.
" whoa, you look pretty pretty" I joked, smiling at her warmly.
"Thanks so do you, love the dress" she replied.
I noticed I had a text from Lee, he must have sent it while I was in the shower as I never saw it.
"Aching with desire, I can't wait to see you again. Now I have got used to you being my neighbour I'm having withdrawal symptoms from beautiful damn I need medication" I laughed out loud and didn't bother texting him back. I grabbed my black clutch bag and walked out with Sarah and lily.
This time Sarah knocked on the door and Lee answered.
"Let's go" he smiled fondly at me and took my arm before we left again, this time I carefully looked around to take in my surroundings as not to have a repeat of last night.
"Tonight I'm not gonna be a party pooper" I sighed, breathing in Lee's scent.
"You weren't a party pooper gogeous, you're strong remember" he replied.
"Thank you for everything" I smiled at him and for a second I thought he was going to kiss me again, but he didn't to my disappointment.
" this time I'm getting a booth with Autumn" Lee nodded once we reached the exterior of the club.
"Me and Ben are going to dance" Sarah giggled, flirting with Ben.
"I'm going to the bar" lily laughed, walking away.
"After you" Lee gestured to the booth seat and I sat, him opposite me.
"Want to get something to eat?" I asked, studying the menu.
"Yep I'm getting pizza and a beer" Lee chuckled laying the menu on the table.
"I'm getting chips and a glass of Merlot" I laughed, eyes twinkling in the light.
"Right ill, go and get it" he stood up with the menus and walked to the bar. When he returned he was carrying a huge pizza and a box stuffed full of chips.
"Salt and vinegar, the way you like them!" He smiled as he placed them in front of me.
"How did you know, did lily tell you?" I couldn't help grinning.
"Nope you said it before" he winked and began to eat his pizza. I laughed and tried a chip.
"Done to perfection" I smiled, closing my eyes as tasting the succulent chip melt on my tongue. It was delicious and even more special now I was here with Lee. This was where I wanted to be, with Lee. I smiled at him and carried on eating, he even let me try a slice of his pizza and it was still good.
"You happy?" He asked.
"Yeah you?" I replied with a smile.
"Yes, when you're happy beautiful, I'm happy" I blushed and held his hand over the table whilst staring into his blue, sparkly eyes.
Wow I loved this man so much!

Hi guys, it's me! So how was this? I always say a man who has the key to my heart know how I like chips... Chips are just....YUM! so Autumn had the best girly day ever and now she's chilling with her crush. What's going to happen between lautumn? Will anything go wring like it did the previous night? Please comment because reading them is as satisfying as ... Well... Eating a salt and vinegar chip. Thanks for reading so far and I love you so so so so so much! Bye! Xxx

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