Good day ahead

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I laid back on the plush chair and patted my belly.
"I'm so full" I grunted, staring at the leftover chips. I pushed them away.
"Ugh same"'lee groaned, chucking my uneaten chips in his pizza box and throwing it in the bin That was next to him.
"I can't move" I began to laugh as Lee's eyes caught mine, I don't know why it just sort of happened...
"I know beautiful, but after we manage to miraculously digest this food..." He trailed off.
"What?" I asked suspiciously.
"Don't worry gorgeous it's a silly idea, you wouldn't want to annyways."
"What is it? Just tell me!"
"Fine! I wanted to ask if you would dance with me" he bowed his head to the ground.
"Are you kidding me? Of course I would love to" I smiled at him as his eyes met mine again.
"Ok phew"
"Why is that a silly idea?" I asked him.
"I don't know. Seemed really cheesy and weird I guess" he bowed his head again, cheeks flushing.
"You've never danced with a girl before have you?" I laughed at him.
"No." He muttered embarrassed.
"I'll start you off easy" I giggled, standing up and pulling him to the dance floor.
We danced for about an hour, not proper slow dancing or anything lover-type but we just fun danced. The music was really fast paced so we just stepped and spun about like idiots. The best thing was, we weren't even drunk and we were still having the best time!
"Omg it's eleven thirty already" Lee shouted over the music.
"We've been dancing for ages!" I pulled my head back and laughed.
"That was adorable. I think we should leave" Lee gave me a smug smile. I tried hard to hide the disappointment and the frown creeping over my face, I was having so much fun and I didn't want to leave.
"Yeah" I nodded, holding my smile. We walked out of the club and I noticed lily and Sarah were dancing by the door. We didn't see eachother.
"You stay here and I'll be back beautiful" Lee smiled, running back inside. I stood where I was on the same bit of concrete that I Had the panic attack on yesterday night. I listened to the faded music, hearing the beat still loudly ringing in my ears. Before I could even get bored, Lee came bounding back round the corner carrying two rich looking glasses. He passed me one.
"The finest cocktail for my lady" he joked as I took a sip. It was delicious.
"Wow! How much did thew cost you?" I asked concerned.
"Never mind. This is my special treat for you"
"No Lee, your treat for me is this trip, let me pay please"
"Not happening. I have it relax" Lee smiled, wrapping his arms around me.
We stood contented in the moonlight, laughing and messing about while we drank. Once we were done we left the glasses on the floor and I checked my watch.
"Ten past midnight" I read outloud.
"You tired?" Lee asked
"Nope but I did just see lily and Sarah get in our room so I think we should head back"
"You have good eye sight dang"
"No I mean they were heading for the room" I laughed. So we ended up walking back to the village, Lee's arm wrapped around me the whole walk back. People must have thought we were a couple and it was the best tingling feeling. A sense of pride as if I was saying "this is my man" even though he wasn't really.
"Goodnight Lee" I turned to face him as we stood outside the village.
"Goodnight beautiful" he smiled at me and leant towards me.
"I can't wait for tomorrow, everyone together" I smiled just thinking about the idea.
"Should be perfect, text me yeah?" He turned to his tent.
"Will do, night" I said as I climbed my room's steps.
"Night" and just like that he disappeared into his room.
"Hi" I shouted as I walked into the room. The sisters were both in pyjamas, lily taking her makeup off and Sarah writing in some journal looking book.
"Hey Autumn"
"How was your night?" I asked, sitting down on my bed and grabbing a makeup wipe.
"Amazing, me and Ben danced the night away and we were so romantic. He kissed me loads. Then me and lily met up, had a snack and danced. After Ben went back so we messed about and chatted like sisters outside and went back here" Sarah smiled at the thought of her fun night.
"Yep mine was good to, I met this girl at the bar called Nancy and she was from America too. We swapped numbers and she's cool. The I met up with Sarah and there we go" lily laughed, laying back in her bed.
"Lovely, sounds fun. Me and Lee got a meal together and danced for like an hour. Then we went outside and he bought us some very expensive cocktails. After we walked back and said goodbye and now we're here" I explained. The girls nodded and I got changed into my pyjamas.
Just like that my phone beeped.
"Miss you beautiful xxx" I stared at the screen and smiled.
"You two. I miss that face and sense of humour, then again... Who couldn't" I replied.
"Night guys" lily switched out the light.
"Night!" Sarah muttered, throwing the duvet over the body.
"Yep goodnight people." I smiled into the darkness.
"Thank're more than a pretty face ya know you're Lovely too"
"Aww same"
"Well Ben just turned out the light so I have to go I guess."
"Haha so did lily lmao, night"
"Night night"
I switch ed my phone off and snuggled up in my blanket. I thought back on the night with me and Lee. Perfect. It was perfect...
I could hear a muttering so I sat up and looked around. Lily and Sarah were whispering to eachother.
"Morning" I mumbled in my horrid morning voice.
"Hey sleepy head" lily laughed walking over to me. "Gonna pop to the shop with Sarah and get some breakfast. We have already used the shower so you can go for gold brb" she added before her and Sarah left.
"Morning beautiful, I'm gonna miss that text" Lee had text, I laughed.
"Me too"
"Wear waterproof makeup today beautiful xxx" I replied "will do" and then hopped in the shower. Because no one was there I sung really loudly.
"Waterproof makeup" It was going to be a good day ahead of me.
I dressed in a pair of dark jeans and a shoulder cut pink shirt. I tied my hair up in a messy bun and applied a thin layer of waterproof makeup as I was instructed.
"It's going to be a good day" I smiled as lily and Sarah arrived with toast and fruit. We tucked in heartily.
" tell me about it, a good day ahead" lily smiled as she bit an orange segment.
"I can't wait" I squealed, the perfect night followed by a good day.
After breakfast I packed sunscreen, a pink diamanté bikini, a pink sun hat and my sunglasses.
"On way to yours" I texted Lee before throwing my phone in the bag too. I noticed I hand got any more texts from Katie and got a sick feeling in my stomach but ignored it.
"Autumn it's fine,she's just busy with work!" I convinced myself.
I knocked on the door and Lee opened it wearing a heart throbbing red shirt with different patterns on the chest pocket.
"Hey beautiful" he smiled at me as he walked down the steps.
"Hello" "cutie"
"Today folks were going kayaking and we have the Beach for the afternoon" Lee informed us.
"Ohh" everyone gave a comical game show murmur of approval and we began walking to the beach.
At the beach I noticed a friendly looking Spanish man in the middle of the sand with six kayaks. They were yellow like bananas and we're all piled up on top of one an other like a huge tower. He was also holding five red buoyancy aids and wearing one himself.
"Hello" he beamed and walked over. We plonked our things in the sun and stood around him. "My name is José and I'm going to be your kayaking instructor today. Go and get ready this is going to be a good day"
We all walked to the rocks to get dressed, and Lee stared at me again. I flushed red and looked away. I saw him mouth something with a cute smile, but I couldn't make out what he said.
"I'm so excited" I laughed to lily.
"I know right!" She laughed back and we both stared at Sarah and Ben kissing in the distance. They were both in their swim wear and kissing so romantically, ankle deep in cooling Spanish water. Ben was obviously dominant, and I liked that. He was being a real man. I ached with want for Lee and at that moment he walked over to me!...

Hi guys, it's me! Did you like this part? So Autumn has landed this amazing day and has visions of it all going perfect. But will this day be the good day she has panned in her head? Will Lee finally make a move on her? Will Ben and Sarah still be together by the end if the day? Pleas comment because they make me so happy and thank you for reading so far. I love you guys bye! Xxx

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