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"It has been five minutes, please plug in your set lets we will now start to land" a female voice rang through the speakers, she reminded me of some sickly barbie girl and I imagined a blonde, pretty good girl who had it all. "Landing"...
"Omg were landing!" I had been so caught up in the Lee drama that I forgot at some point we'd have to land!
"Yeah are you ok?" Lily asked looking at me worriedly.
"Are you ok Autumn?" Sarah asked. Even Ben turned around looking a bit unnerved.
"I'm fine" I muttered, once again obviously lying. Lee turned around, but as soon as he caught my eye he mimed picking up a non existent object and turning around. Completely ignoring me again.
"I can't believe he, after everything he just takes a sudden turn for the worst, like there was no need and now he's just blocking me out. I should have known he was a player and I'm stuck with this-"
My angry thought soon turned scared as the plane suddenly jolted. I was so angry I forgot to brace myself and dug my fingers into the same place as I did in the way there.
"What do I do, Lee help me please" I felt like crying, lily was nodding her head to music on her phone and Sarah was taking selfies. Lee was talking to Ben and I felt so alone.
"It's not good to bottle it up, but you have to Autumn" I told myself sternly. The lane jolted again and sweat kept falling, I couldn't remove my hands from the chair to wipe it.
I waited, each jolt way worse than the way here. Then, unlike before, without warning the plane slammed into the concrete and I couldn't help screaming.
"Autumn!" Sarah dropped her phone and spun around to look at me.  
"AUTUMN!?" Lily did the same.
"What the?" Ben turned around too. Lee didn't even budge.
"Sorry, just startled me" I said, eyes completely squinted off to the world. I felt the vibrations get more and more mild until they stopped completely. I still didn't open my eyes incase so,etching else would happen and spark my fears.
"Ladies and gentlemen the thanks for flying with the American airways air ferry, please fly with is again soon and I hope you've had a pleasant ride, bye bye" finally, I opened my eyes.
"We're back in California!" Lily shouted as the light blinded us.
"Yay for Californian roads and trees and side walks and-"
"Welcome home baby" Ben leant over me to kiss her. I wasn't haiku fir her anymore. Her easy life hurt me and I didn't care how much if a bad friend I was being.
"Don't say anything Autumn, shhhhh" I watched as the air port disappeared behind us and we pulled into a car parking space. The drivers started collecting their cases.
"Bye man" Lee stood up, bro hugging Kyle.
"Bye bro!" Kyle waved to us and pulled his case off the coach.
"Bye bye" Lee shook phill a hand. "Thanks"
"No thank you, bye Lee." Phill pulled his case and I watched as he walked away with his son.
"So who is our new driver gonna be?" I asked with as much excitement as possible to Lee. He just murmured and shrugged his shoulders. I sighed and officially gave up.
A shirt, blonde haired driver came on board the minibus. He looked as if he used a whole pot of hell on one strand of hair and was wearing the same suit as the driver we had for an hour in the way down. He smiled and waved.
"Hi guys" she muttered quietly. We waved to him as he took his seat.
"So what's the first thing you're gonna do when you get Home?" Lily asked while we pulled away.
"Probably unpack, I have so much washing to do" Sarah laughed.
"I'll probably have a nap, I'm so tired" I laughed too.
"And I am going to catch up on all the YouTube I missed" lily also laughed.
For the rest if the journey we all sat in silence...
"Omg omg omg!" Something slapped my leg. I was just dozing off to sleep as well. I opened my eyes to blinding sunshine, and lily slapping my thigh.
"What's up?" I asked, not bothering to look myself.
"Work!" Lily pressed her nose agains the window.
"Oh my yes!" I sat bolt upright, we were here! I watched as the driver pulled into the car parking space.
"I'll get the cases" he muttered, turning the key and jumping off. I gathered my things and stood up with lily while Sarah searched for her bookmark. I watched Lee grab his bag and strut off, obviously not wanting to talk to me.
"Got it!" Sarah smiled proudly, holding a blue bookmark up in the air like a scene from lion king.
"Great, let's go" I was anxious to find out what Lee had said. I climbed of the bus, down the steps and back outside work. I saw my car glinting in the light. I grabbed my case and pulled it to the side.
"Bye guys" the shy coach driver mumbled to the floor.
"Thanks" Lee sighed dramatically.
We watched the bus oil, away and then Sarah and lily both hugged me.
"Bye bye Autumn" lily sighed, looking sad.
"Yeah bye Autumn, I'll miss out girly chats" Sarah shook her head in disbelief.
"Me too, it's going to be crazy without you guys, bye bye have a ice holiday and I'll see you when we get back" we all hugged again before the girls left to say goodbye to the boys. After a few minutes they were walking away into the distance, suitcases dragging behind them.
"Bye Autumn" Lee nodded before turning away.
"Bye bye Ben ma man" Lee gave Ben a bro hug and they high fived.
"Be honest" I heard Ben whisper as they pulled in. "See ya later man, thanks for everything" he began walking away.
I stared at Lee, he stared back awakwardly. Suddenly tears started pouring down his face. Didn't know what to do, this was so unlike him. My first instinct was to hug him and then I pulled him into my car. I ran back and pulled the cases by the door as I sat next to him.
"Lee don't cry! What's the matter" he was such a beautiful crier. He didn't pull weird faces, or breathe worryingly like me. He just let the tears roll down his tanned, perfect face while his eyes gave him the most heartbreaking expression I'd ever seen. It made me want to cry.
"Lee I've told you everything, it's you're turn handsome" I wiped his tears, charming and worrying.
" you love me?" He struggled to speak.
"Lee, you mean everything to me. Of course I love you please don't cry, I'll always be there for you" I muttered desperately, but it was true.
"No you won't" he sighed.
"Why won't I? Of course I will!" I leant back, concerned of where this was going.
"Autumn, you mean more to me that anyone. Family deserted me and all I have is you. Ben doesn't even compare to you and he's my best friend. I want to be your girlfriend" I jumped back, shocked. It finally happened, so why was he so sad.
"I would love to be your girlfriend. You'll be my boy. What's wrong though? You're crying!" I asked horrified.
"I can't be..." Lee cried and cried even more.
"You can! Why can't you" I was super desperate now, tears brim end in my eyes. To see such a happy, upbeat person that I was so close to so shot down and upset.
"I'm leaving" the words hit me like a slap from hulk.
"It's not true, it's not true, it CANT be true!" I shivered, sitting back even further. He couldn't be going far.
"Where?" I asked, gravel in my croaky voice.
"England" Lee hid his face and I heard a sob.
"Why?" I asked, screwing my face up.
"No one loves me here except you, England is a new life for me and it's what I want even though my heart has to be broken. Long distance relationships don't work out." Lee shook his head, face red with sadness.
"When?" I could barely speak.
"That's in two days!"
"No, next Monday. I Have the holidays and one day back at work before I leave in the evening." Lee was riddled with disappointment.
"You'll be all alone" I let a tear fall as I thought if him by the London eye, looking around and desperate for alone at work.
"I know, it's for the best. I will miss you more than anyone beautiful."his hands touched my face.
"It won't be the same without you" I sobbed, wanting him so badly.
"I'll see you in Monday, for the last time, I have to go" Lee stood up and shut the door. He stood in front of me."thank you for everything, it's been the most amazing part of my life."
"Thank you for this opportunity" I mumbled, unable to process the devastating news that had just been placed in front of me. He walked away and I shoved my case in the boot. Once I was ready I out the key in the ignition and didn't turn it. Instead I sobbed into the steering wheel.

Hey guys it's me! Sorry if this part was a bit... Rushed. They'd been through this journey already. How did you think this was? I actually cried writing this (based on real life events) and it's so emotional. So Lee's leaving to halfway across the world! Will he come back? How will Autumn manage? Will Katie ever reply to her texts? Please comment as they make me happy 😘and I love ya for reading so far. Bye bye bye (tehehehehe) BYE! Xxx

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