Couldnt be better

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I stared out to the sea. It was orange under the pink and blue faded sky. The cool air swarmed around us.
"I love you" Lee muttered. I gasped.
"Really?" I gave a stupid response.
"Yes Autumn, I liked all these other girls for a couple hours, enough to get them in bed, but I Love you! "
" wow, that's good because I love you too" I smiled at Lee warmly.
"What about your other boyfriends, I mean ex's" Lee stared at the dark sand.
"They don't matter to me anymore. I am not in love with them, however I am in love with you Lee Natward" he wrapped his arm around me and we stared out to sea, feet buried in sand.
"Thank you" Lee gave a strict face, but it softened as I leaned into him. He kissed me. Full on made out with me. This was by far the best make out yet. It was more romantic that Sarah and bens kiss earlier. Sunset, beach, kiss, I loved him, nothing could be more perfect. It couldn't get better.
"Let's go" he pulled away urgently.
"What is something wrong?" I asked concerned.
"No, it couldn't be better" Lee smiled at me reassuringly.
"Then where?" I asked, still baffled.
"Now" Lee picked me up until I was laying in his arms. Everyone stared at us as I giggled and he smiled. He didn't struggle to lift me like Sean did, and he held me close unlike Patrick.
"Aww" I heard someone mutter as we ran past.
Lee carried me all the way back to the village. I checked my watch and realised it was ten already. I saw lily, Sarah and Ben who all must have met up and be coming back. Lee put me down at his door.
"I love you Autumn and I'm not even drunk" lee pushed me against his door.
"Me too, you're my crush" I blushed as he started to kiss me, I pushed him away.
'There are people watching, our friends" I shivered at them, gawping.
"I don't Care, do you?" Lee asked, directly staring into my eyes.
"No I just thought you did" I mumbled nervously, thinking I had messed it all up.
"Good, resume" Lee began to kiss me again and I noticed him fumbling for the door knob.
He opened the door and spun me around until I was in the room. He finally pulled apart from me and pushed me onto his homemade double bed before kicking the door closed.
"What if Ben comes in?" I asked nervously.
" after what he just saw, he won't. We left him alone when he... Did it with Sarah" he reassured me. I nodded.
"Wait, are you about to....DO IT? Autumn no way! It's the night you loose your virginity and it couldn't be better. " thoughts raced through my head.
"You worry too much" Lee leant over me like he did on the bench at the park. This was way better.
" sorry, I'm self aware?" I mumbled, questioning myself.
"I don't care, I love you so go with it" he smiled before climbing on the bed and beginning to kiss me. I felt his hands glide down my back and reach my hips. I began trembling, heart beating fast. He grabbed my zip and pulled it down slowly.
"OMG ITS HAPPENING!" My mind raced about. I waited for him. The zip made its way all down my back and over my butt.
"What if he hates my body, what if I hate his, no I've already seen most of it... OMG what do I do? I'm going to be so rubbish at this"
I lifted my arms and allowed him to pull the sleeves off my arms and down over my bra. I suddenly pulled away.
"I'm so sorry, you're not ready" Lee flushed. "Every other girl has accepted it but you're different, I actually love you and-"
"Lee, I'm sorry, it's my first time." I nodded shyly.
"I could have given you a panic attack and the-"
"LEE, it's just my first time"
"Sorry" he shook his head.
"Keep going, I'm not used to it. It's good to test my limits" I nodded again.
"Ok, but if you want to stop tell me, I actually care about you" he laughed and pressed his lips against mine. My heart raced even after as he pulled the dress over my butt and down to my knees. I trembled more and more as he pulled it off my body and threw it into his floor. Now it was my turn?
I tried to pull up his shirt sexily but it got stuck around his jacket.
"Don't worry beautiful I got this" he pulled away and began undressing in front of me. I wanted to breathe out as he had saved me from embarrassing myself, but I couldn't. I was about to break my virginity. I had wanted Him for so long and now I got the real him.
I stared at the waistcoat on the floor as he unbuttoned his shirt and threw that on the floor too. I heard my breath as I saw a black belt land on the floor next to the clothes and hear a zip.
Lee Natward was taking his pants off for me. I gulped as his trousers fell off. He sat on the bed next to me in my underwear.
"Sexy" I thought... Nope I said it out loud. "Oops I mean erm..." I shivered.
"Thank you, now shut up and kiss me, most beautiful woman I've ever seen!" He kissed me even more and eventually his fingers found the clasp of my bra.
"Ping" I couldn't believe I just let a man open my bra, no just any old man, but Lee Natward. My fantasy.
My bra hung limply around my chest so he grabbed it and threw it on the floor next to his shirt. Soon he was slipping his pants off and mine somehow got pulled off in the excitement. Then... Then... I lost my virginity.
I lay under the covers next to Lee, catching my breath.
"How was your first time beautiful?" He asked me like it was normal, stroking a strand of hair whist his soft hands.
"Amazing" I blushed.
"Good, because that was the best sex I've ever had. I don't know if you're just good at it or I actually love the person I'm doing it with" he chuckled.
" yeah, I am a master" I teased him. "But I better get going now. Give Ben his room back" I climbed out of his bed watching his face fall, frown on his lips.
"Aww, I was enjoying myself. So sad to be leaving here tomorrow." Lee sat up, chest fully on show.
"Yeah it was so fun!" I said awkwardly as I pulled up my knickers.
"Shame it's our last night together." Lee sighed.
"Well it won't be the last, when we go back to work we can arrange more" I smiled, shoving my boobs inside my bra and flushing red.
"Yeah.." Lee muttered but he seemed unsure.
I pulled my dress up even though Lee moaned about me covering myself up and I grabbed my bag.
"Thank you for a good night, see you tomorrow yeah?" I smiled as I held the door knob.
" yes, how will I live without you?" Lee asked.
"Good question, same for me. Goodnight Lee" I smiled as I left.
"Night beautiful." I heard as I shut the door. The night sky was thick and black with stars surrounding me. This night couldn't have been better.
I opened the door and saw lily and Sarah chatting away, Ben looking bored as hell.
"You can have you're room back now" I smiled at him. He looked at me funny, as if to say "slut" and tilted his head to the side.
"What did you do to Lee in my room?" He asked suspiciously.
"The same thing you did to Sarah the other night, bye" I gestured to the door as lily and Sarah's mouths fell open.
"Bye babe" he kissed Sarah and she couldn't reply.
As soon as Ben left they jumped on me.
"You broke virginity before me?" Lily asked.
"What happened?" Sarah asked.
"Woah woah, I'm just getting into my pyjamas and then I'll talk. I walked into the bathroom and texted Katie.
"Hey, just lost my virginity to Lee. Eek she said he loved me. Well talk about it when I get back though, it was amazing. Leaving tomorrow and I can't wait to have a proper catch up after the spring holidays" I sent it wondering why she still hasn't texted me before taking my makeup off, brushing my hair and changing into my pyjamas. I couldn't look at that dress the same way.
"So...?" Lily smiled at me as I walked in the room.
"So? It couldn't have been better" I smiled back at her and sat down on my bed.

Hey guys it's me! Did you like this part? sorry if you didn't like the sex scene, there won't be another.... Probably. I don't really like them myself, nor do I like writing them. However I felt like this book needed one and I had it in my notes so I did it. Many apologies if this wasn't for you but don't worry, the next chapter wont be as.... Well cringey to read. Will Lee commit now? Why hasn't Katie replied to autumns texts? How will Autumn cope with leaving Spain?  Please comment because they kill me with happiness and Thank you for reading this far and I love you. Bye bye! xxx

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