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Requested by MrsMarquez93

Angela's POV

It's an exciting week, spending the whole week with my love at Mujácan. Marc and I planned of going here since last year.

"Angela," Marc called me from the hotel balcony, "You have to look at this gorgeous view!"

"I'm coming," You stopped unpacking your stuffs as you went to him. He then looks at you then back at the city. "Woah," You smiled, "It is very gorgeous."

"Not gorgeous as you," He winked, making you blush. "Stop it," You giggled as he kissed your cheek.

"Now what are we waiting for?! Let's go change into our swimwear and head out to the pool!" He told you as he sprinted to his luggage, unzipping it as he took out his swimming pants.

You chuckled, "I'll meet you down later! I have something to do first." You told as he playfully roll your eyes. "Fine, I'll give you two minutes."


"Fine, three minutes." He huffed as he went to the bathroom to change. I just chuckled to myself, Marc is always excited and happy when it comes to swimming or anything that has to do with water.

While I was unpacking, I heard the door got open then got shut back. It must be Marc, I told myself.

Few minutes later, I had finished unpacking all of my stuffs. I then changed my clothes into my swimwear.


"Ugh," I groaned, so many girls. How could Marc not stare at them, I mean, they have sexy bodies than I do.

Marc looked at me and smirked, "What's wrong?" He asked as he place his hand on mine, making us hold hands as we walked towards the beach bar.

"I'm just.. having a little headache, that's all." I lied, but he believed it. "We can go back to the hotel room if you want," He suggested.

"No, it's okay. The headache will fade away anyways." I gave him an assuring smile, making he nod.

"Marc Marquez!" Someone, a girl, gasped when she called Marc. Marc turned around and looked at her, "Yes?"

"Oh. My. God." She squeed, "You're the Marc Marquez! C-Can we take a picture together?"

I sighed, looked away and rolled my eyes. "Of course," Marc replied as he stand up from his seat, to take a picture with her. The reason why I rolled my eyes was that the girl was very gorgeous. Yes, I admit it, I'm jealous as hell.

I don't think that she's a fan of him, maybe she likes him. Because hello, everyone sees my boyfriend as a hot, rich, handsome guy.

I looked at both of them as they took a picture, her hand were on Marc's left shoulder. As for Marc, he placed his hand on her waist. And it's low, way too low.

After they took the picture, the girl thanked him again and gave him a wink. I rolled my eyes for the millionth time, few minutes later, Marc and I favourite song got played.

Marc then took my hand, practically pulling me to the dance floor. Yes, there's a dance floor at the beach bar, surprising, isn't it?

I instantly laughed when he danced the way a kid would dance, Marc loved dancing.

"Come on Angela! Dance with me!" He chuckled as he pulled my hand once again, then lets go of me to dance. We were pretty amazing and somehow embarrassing, because people took a video of us.

Some of the girls that I complimented earlier, about the great body and stuffs, gave me a dirty look. Looks like they're jealous because the most lovable and charming guy belongs to me.

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