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"Okay, so, we just need to put these red solo cups here," I said to myself as I placed the cups onto a table near the food section. I then took a step back, looking at how I placed it, then cringed. "Oh God, this surprise party is going to be a disaster!"

"It's not going to, Y/N. Trust me." Mateo chuckles. "Anyways, where do I put these snacks?"

"Anywhere. But not anywhere, you know? Like yeah it's going to be on a table because no one would eat food that's on the floor, right? So like-"

"Woah, woah, Y/N, I get it." He chuckles once again. "Don't stress too much about this surprise, Marc will love it either way because you planned this for him."

I nod and gave him a weak smile. He returned the smile back and went somewhere else to put the snacks. I don't know what got into me, honestly. I haven't seen Marc for two months now, and I just wanted to make a good impression for him when he gets back.

"Y/N, there's a guy from Pizza Hut by the door," Alissa tells me. "You should get it."

I nod as I took out some tens from my wallet, then head to the front door.

"Hello, um, three large pizzas that are pepperoni, garlic chicken and Hawaiian supreme for Y/N?" The boy asks, smiling.

"Yep, that's me." I gave him a small smile.

He nods, while tells me the price as I payed him, then hands me the pizzas.

"Okay, thank you, have a nice day." He says before getting on his he scooter. I went back inside and set the pizzas onto a table.

"Uh, Y/N, I thought Marc doesn't like pizzas?" Mateo asks out of curiosity, looking at me weirdly.

"He doesn't," I reassured. "Just because he doesn't like it, doesn't mean that the rest of us can't eat these."

"Is this for the party? Or can I eat it right now because I'm starving as hell?" He grins, looking at me with puppy dog eyes.

"Good thing that you're my cousin," I playfully rolled my eyes. "You can have it. It's actually for us. I know that we've been preparing since hours ago and we're hungry."

"Yeah!" He shouts happily, then grabs a box of the pizza and goes away. I chuckle quietly to myself as I grabbed a slice of pepperoni pizza.


"Y/N, I'm at the airport right now. He's still at the immigration," Alex called me, "It would probably take about twenty minutes over all, you know, waiting for his luggage and all."

"Okay. Just don't tell him, or even give a hint about this." I warned him, pointing somewhere even though he can't see me.

"I won't. Bye, Y/N. I'll text you when we're on our way back." He says before hanging up.

Around thirty minutes later, lots of people came. I was feeling nervous, because I didn't exactly tell them that this was a surprise party.

Alex: We're on our way

"Okay, okay, everybody, shut up!" I shouted as everyone paused, looking at me with wide eyes. "This is a surprise party, and I want all of you to hide, then shout surprise, got it?"

"A surprise party? Shit! I didn't know," Debby gasped. "I posted some pictures on Instagram about this party happening."

"You... what?" I panicked.

"Just kidding!" She laughs. "We already know that this is a surprise, Y/N. You have to chill, and enjoy."

"So, when will we shout?" A guy asks.

"When all the lights are turned on," I said. "You all better find a great hiding spot."

"When will he arrive?"

Just about that, Alex texted me.

Alex: Just parked the car. We'll be there in a few seconds

"About now. Okay, everybody, hide!" I shouted before I closed all the lights. Everybody then went to find their places to hide, I was behind a table, where it was near to the light switch, my hands could easily crawl up before Marc could even notice.

I then heard a key shuffled into the lock, making it unlocked. The door then got swung opened.

"Didn't I tell you to bring me to Y/N's house first, Alex? I miss her, and I just want to be with her before I do anything. I would text her, but stupid phone, the battery died." Marc groans, stepping into his house.

"Freshen up first," Alex chuckles. "I'll take you to her later."

I smiled to myself, then switched on all the lights. Everybody jumped out from their hiding spot, and so did I.


Marc literally jumped to the back a little, a bit shocked. "Oh my God!"

"Hey, baby," I coo, walking up to him then pulled him in for a hug. He immediately hugged me back, squeezing me tightly.

"Y/N." He breathed out after I let go him.

"Surprised? I bet you did." I joked, he then chuckled as he gave me a peck on my lips.

"Welcome back, Marc!" A guy shouted.

"You planned all of this, for me?" He asked in awe. He then rested his hands onto my hips, then leans in. "You're." Kiss. "The." Kiss. "Best." Kiss. "Girlfriend." Kiss. "Ever." Kiss.

"Why, thank you, I try." I giggled. "I love you, so much."

"I love you too, doll." He smiles.

"Now, let's get this party started!"

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