Don't Feel It

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Everything was crumpling little by little, and I have no idea. We barely see each other, due to him being overseas for his career. As for me, I was left alone in this house.

"Hi," I heard his voice echoed through the living room, making me sigh. Since I packed my things, I put them in a bag, and place them in the living room.

"Y/N? What are all these?" He asked, walking towards me with a slightest hint of sadness in his voice.

I put down the cup of tea onto the concrete table while looking down and shaking my head. "I'm sorry." I croaked.

I then felt him across me, I decided not to look up to him. "I'm really sorry," I sighed, not a hint of sadness appeared onto my voice.

"Huh? Why are there boxes in the living room? What's going on?" He quickly asked as he caressed my soft cheek using his thumb.

Making it easier, I removed his thumb. He knew that I liked it when he do that, it was soothing, especially with his finger because they were delicate.

"Answer me, Y/N." He croaked, lifting my chin up using the same thumb again. His eyes were now glossier than ever. "A-Are you leaving me?"

I took a deep breath before answering him. "Yes, I'm so sorry."

"Why? What did I do so wrong?" He asked, tears starting to roll down his cheeks, which made me bite my lower lip, feeling like I dragged him down.

Not answering, I place both of my hands on his cheek, pulling his face closer to mine. He then stopped crying once his eyes were focused on my pink, soft lips. I focused on him, as he focused on me.

Before I could kiss him, he kissed me first. But, sadly, I didn't feel anything. There was no spark like it used to, there was feeling of love that I craved for. There was nothing, and I meant nothing.

Of course, I kissed back- but not for long. I pulled away seconds later as he rested his forehead onto mine, his eyes making contact with my eyes.

"You didn't feel anything, right? There was no spark, right?" I asked quietly, slowly pulling away my face from him.

He gulped before nodding slowly, which I'm a bit glad. "I-I didn't feel anything, why is that? What happened?"

"It means.. we have no feelings for each other anymore. Like, nothing. I know what you're feeling right now, you love me, and, you don't want to let go of me. But Marc- we have to let go of each other." I sighed, shaking my head a little.

He didn't reply. Instead, he looked down, thinking of what I said.

"I still love you." I croaked, "But- we just can't be together anymore. Remember our first kiss? It was very passionate and it has sparks that would make me feel like there's fireworks in my stomach, that filled me up with full of desire. But now... there's none of it."

"And.. We barely see each other for these past few months due to your career. Everyday, and I mean everyday, my feeling for you just keep on disappearing." I continued.

"This is it, huh?" He let out a weak chuckle, looking up back to me. He gave me a weak smile before placing his lips onto mine once again.

I closed my eyes, pulling him closer to me to deepened the kiss, well- this is our last kiss that we're going to share anyways. Seconds later, which felt like minutes, I pulled away.

I returned a weak smile to him back before grabbing my bag.

"Good luck with your incoming life and your races. I love you." Was the last thing I said before walking out the door, leaving a crying Marc inside.

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