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Marc's POV

"Yeah, yeah. I completely got it! Don't worry about it, I'll get it done by next week." I chuckled, "Alright, bye."

"Who was that?" My girlfriend, Sofia asked.

"Oh, it was just Alex. He wanted me to help him." I smiled, locking my phone as I looked at her.

"I gotta go out with my girls tonight. It's a girls night out today." She let out a nervous chuckle, stuttering a bit like she was lying.

"Oh? Hm, okay, you can go." I nodded as she rolled her eyes.

"Didn't ask for your permission if I could go out or not," She roll her eyes again, "You don't own me. I can go wherever I want without your permission!"

And with that, she grabbed her purse and left the house immediately, making me groan in annoyance. This is exactly one of the reasons why I dislike her.

But, she's still my girlfriend.

Now that I've thought about it, my ex-girlfriend popped up into my mind. Everytime Sofia gets mad or throw tantrum, Y/N pops up into my mind.

Since Sofia isn't going to be home tonight, I decided that I should text Y/N and bring her out to dinner tonight.

We're friends now, it's because we have always been friends. The reason why we end things up is because I'm busy racing and not being my country all the time and Y/N studies overseas. We were not doing that long distance relationship.

Marc: hey Y/N 😄

Y/N: hey marc! what's up? 😊

Marc: nothing. wanted to ask you if you wanted to go out dinner with me?

Y/N: sure, what time?

Marc: seven. should i pick you up?

Y/N: that's okay, i'll bring my own car. where?

I then decided to choose the place where we first had our date, here, in Catalonia.

Marc: moments restaurant :) see you there.

Y/N: alright, see you there too. bye 👌🏼

Marc: bye 😊

I then quickly called moments restaurant and booked seats for tonight.


I hummed as I sat on the edge of the restaurant that was near the window, so that I could see if Y/N arrives.

I then saw a black car parked in front of my Honda. The driver then got out from the car and there she was. Y/N.

She notices me immediately as she hurried up and went inside the restaurant. Then smiled widely once she was in front of me.

"Y/N! It's been so long!" I cheekily smiled as I gave her a tight and super long hug.

She then chuckles, "Very long indeed. Hello to you too Marc."

I then let her go and pulled a chair for her to sit down. She then sat down and thanked me. I then sat down across her as I couldn't stop smiling.

"Y/N.. You look a bit different." I gushed.

"Oh?" She smirked, "Is it because the colour of my hair? I dyed it like last year."

"That, and... you look even more gorgeous since the last time I saw you." I complimented, not because I was being flirty, but I was telling the truth.

"You look handsome as well," She blushed, looking down at the table. "So, how's life?"

"It's uh.. okay I guess." I sighed, shaking my head a little.

"Oh?" She pouted, "And why's that?"

Because I miss you so much. And I low-key hate my current girlfriend right now.

"Just some reasons," I shrugged. "What about you?" I asked back.

"It's pretty good!" She cheered.

"What do you work as now?" I asked as I took a sip of my wine.

"Pilot," She shrugged. My eyes then widened, completely shocked.

"Pilot?!" I asked seriously. "I thought that you wanted to be a (what you want to be)?"

"I changed my mind last minute. It's because I got offered, so, why not, right?" She chuckles then smiled. Showing off her white, perfect teeth.

"I-I've missed you." I blurted out, then place my hand on the table. Hoping that she would say the same thing.

"I missed you too." She replied. Then place her hand above mine that was on the table. I then looked up to her, as the look on her face changed.

She quickly removes her hand, realising something that was on her mind. "What's wrong?" I asked.

"You have a girlfriend." She pointed out as I sighed.

"Y/N, that isn't a prob-"

"Yes, it is Marc! I don't want to be the problem on why you guys ended. I don't want to be disturbing you guys' perfect relationship." She bit her lower lip, though, she has a point.

"Y/N, we aren't perfect. In fact, she treats me like shit all the time! And, I have million reasons on why I should leave her right now." I sighed, looking at her with full of bliss, obviously wanting to be with her again.

"But, Mar-"

"I know that you still love me. And I still love you too. You know that we ended things not with hatred, so, why not?" I tried to make her change her mind, by giving her a point.

She sighed, "I'll think about it."

And with that, the waiter comes and gave us a menu to choose on what we want to order.

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