Arranged Marriage - Part 1

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requested by karliesbook 💍


Karlie's POV

"Today was nice," I commented right after Marc parked his car on my parent's driveway.

"Glad that you liked it," He blushed, "We should do that again sometimes."

"While you're not busy with your life," I chuckled as I smiled, looking at him in the eyes.

He smirked, his hand at the back of my neck. Pulling me closer towards him. Then our lips touch, a gentle and a nice kiss. I pulled away, smiling.

"See you tomorrow, I guess." Was the last thing I said before opening the door and closed it. I waved, and mouthed a goodbye while he reversed and drove off.

I took out my home keys from my bag. But before I could twist the door open, my mother opened the door with an apologetic smile on her face. I walked in as I greeted as usual.

"Mom, is everything okay? Your smile is creeping me out," I chuckle as I sat down on the nearest couch and place my bag on the floor.

"Karlie, your father and I..." She looked at my dad, who was smiling before continuing, "Have decided that you should get married."

"Huh?" I nervously chuckled.

"We're setting up a marriage for you honey, it's just that, you're getting older. You're somehow a bit childish and we'll be afraid that you won't have anyone to get married and have a life with." My father said without pausing.

"W-What? Y-You think that I'm so childish that you think no one wants to marry me in the future?" I pouted as I looked down on the floor.

"Yes-No-Yes." My mother stutter. My dad nodded, agreeing what my mother said.

"I-I can't believe this!" I got up from the couch and took my handbag and went straight to my room, depressed.

"God," I sniffle, sitting at the edge of my bed. "What am I going to tell him?" I mumbled between my sniffle.

My door got knocked, signalling that someone is there. "Karlie? We're meeting the boys' family next week at their house." Hearing my mother's voice.

I kept quiet, not wanting to reply. I started dating Marc like three weeks ago and now this happened? What am I supposed to say? Hey, Marc. My parents just told me that they wanted me to get married, so they set up an arranged marriage for me. Okay, bye.

I took my phone out from my bag, unlocking it. I texted Marc, saying that we should meet up tomorrow.

[Karlie] hey Marc
[Karlie] we should meet up tomorrow

His reply was almost immediate, making me chuckle.

[Marc] Of course ;)

I lay down on my bed, not sure what I'm feeling. Should I be happy, devastated or sad? I locked my phone, tossing it to somewhere on my bed or probably on the floor.


[Marc] Is Mama Wong's okay?
[Karlie] Of course :)

I soothe my shirt, looking at myself in the mirror for the last checkup. I'm not ready to tell Marc what going to happen, but either or, I still had to tell him.


"I know," He chuckles as he took a sip of his ice lemon tea, "I've been thinking that.."

"That what?" I asked.

"That I should meet your parents." He smiled cheekily, which it will fade away soon.

I scratched the back of neck and let out a nervous chuckle, "Don't think that that's a good idea."

He frowned, "Why not? Are you embarrassed of me?"

"N-No! Not at all, gosh, you're the one actually who needs to be embarrassed of me." I sighed, looking down at the restaurant's menu.

"What? I mean, I have to meet them someday. They're my future parents-in-law." He smirked when I looked at him, confused.

"I don't think so," I clarified as I sighed one again, covering my face with menu.

He grabbed the menu from my hand, placing it on his lap. He then looks at me seriously, narrowing his eyes at me. "You think that we're not going to get married?"

"Uh.. look..." I shut my eyes for a few seconds before fluttering them open again.


"M-My parents.." I paused, wether I should tell him the truth, "I mean, I think that we're done."

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