Space Between

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I collected the mail that was from the mail box that consisted of seven letters. Six for Marc, and one for me. I have never received a mail from anyone, because people would usually send it through email.

I stepped into the house and opened my mail after I put down Marc's at the counter. I ripped it off. The paper was folded, so I unfold it.

Dear Y/F/N,

You have been accepted.

My eyes widened at the sentence. You have been accepted. I had been waiting for this mail for so long that I completely forgot about it now. I continued to read it, until I was stuck in one sentence.

You will be working in Singapore for one year and three months, along with other fellow new workers.

In Singapore? For three years? I gulped, not knowing how to take this. I had always wanted this job, I didn't take the hard subjects for nothing. I wanted this job since I was a teenager.

"How am I going to tell Marc?" I asked myself as I began to feel worried, worried that he would get mad and if he doesn't want me to go.

I called my mother immediately, wanting her to know about this exciting yet scary news of mine.


"Hi, Mom," I said calmly.

"Hello, Y/N, why are you calling me?" She says, as I huffed.

"I have been accepted," I say, with a hint of excitement in my voice.

"Accepted? What are you talking abou-," She didn't know what I was talking about, then came to a realisation. "Oh, honey! I'm so happy for you! Wait until I tell you dad!"

"Yeah, but um, there's this one problem," I sighed, as my eyes looked at the mail once again that was in my hand.

"What is it?"

"It's in Singapore," I gulped. Then it went silent for the next five seconds, "Mom? Did you hear what I-"

"Yeah," she cuts me off. "I was thinking where Singapore is. Good heavens, it's in Southeast Asia! I say go for it!"

"But, there's a another problem," I say lowly.

"Is it about Marc?" She sighs.

"Yep," I sighed as well.

"Tell him, no matter what. And Y/N, I'm going to tell you this straightforward. It's either he's on board with it, or it doesn't," She says.

"If he doesn't..." she continued but I stopped her.

"Yeah, I know," I bit my lower lip as I sighed.

"It's okay, honey, I wish you all the best," she says before hanging up.


"I'm home," Marc says when he entered the house, taking his shoes off and puts them in the shoe rack. I smiled to him when he saw me sitting on the couch.

"Sorry that I'm a bit late, apparently Alex's bike needs more repairing than usual," He tells me when he sits down next to me as I nodded. He probably notices my expression by now.

"Are you okay, honey?" He asks. "Are you hungry?"

"No, no, I'm not hungry," I said quickly. "I just- I have something to tell you."

"Okay?" He chuckles, "tell me."

"I got accepted by the job that I applied three months ago," I told him that first, a huge smile plastered onto his face.

"I'm so proud of you!" He engulfs me into a hug, making me stifle a chuckle.

"But there's a problem," I gulped.

"What is it? Is it a bit further from where we live? Then it's okay, I can send you everyday," He says.

"Not a bit," I croaked. "It's in Singapore."

He went quiet and looked somewhere else. I examine him, his facial expression changes from happy to sadness.

"I could turn it down, I can't risk losing you," I said, placing my hand on top of his.

"No," He says, looking at me. "You had been working your ass for this. You're not going to turn it down."

"But, I love you, I don't want to lose you," I pouted. "Jobs and houses are replaceable, but you, you're not."

"Baby, I would never stop you from going. It had been your dream since you were teen," He smiled.

"Nothing has to change," He continued, "you can find me in the space between, I'll never be out of reach. There no words left to say, but this is not the end. You're part of who I am. Even if we're world apart."

I didn't expect the answer at all. I couldn't but smile and hugged him tightly. He chuckles, and hugs me back.

"It's okay honey, we can work that out. I'll come visit you twice a month or so, I could stay with you when it's almost time for ThailandGP or MalaysiaGP since it's a lot closer," He says, running a hand through my hair.

"Or I could visit you," I said.

"I will always love you,"

"I will always love you too,"

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A/N: i got the idea of this while listening to a song called 'space between' in descendants 2 & people who requested an imagine will be up soon I promise ❤️❤️

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