Devyna - Part 2

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part two for Devyna. make sure to read the first part before reading this 💕


seven months later

Devyna's POV

"Marc! Stop!" I laughed as he laughed along. He was currently dancing like a chicken in front of the crowd.

"Alright, alright." He stopped dancing as he went to me. Marc and I became very good friends, he's been there for a lot for these past few months and I appreciate that a lot.

"Devyna, I need to tell you something" He said, in a serious tone.

"We're talking now silly," I chuckled.

"I mean, somewhere more private. Where there are no cameras." He said as he took my hand and walked towards a private place.

"Okay, shoot." I point a finger at him, waiting for him to tell me what he wanted to tell me.

"I know if you're not ready for this, but.. I like you. Not just like, like you but I love you."

I froze, what am I supposed to say? "I love you too." I exclaimed.

But I don't know, do I love him? I mean, I did apply some feelings to him. Guess that I am. He smiled, and nodded. "I'm so happy to hear those four words back because I-"

"Marc, but there's this huge problem.." I sighed, rubbing my right forearm with my right hand.

"That's okay, both of us can figure out the problem, easy." He continued to smile and I felt bad instantly. I should've not said those four words back.

I looked down as I bit my lower lip, thinking on what to say to him about my problem. "I-I..."

"You what?" He took a step closer to me.

"I-I have ovarian cancer," I quietly sobbed, waiting for Marc to get out and leave me alone. But no, he didn't. He stood there in the same position as before. He froze, not knowing what to say.

"You could go and leave me," You continued to cry, "Just like Pol, he couldn't handle it."

"Devyna.." He sighed as he hugged you tightly, "I don't care about that, all I care is that you're not going anywhere. I just want you to be with me forever."

I looked at him, a bit surprised. He doesn't care about that? How could he not? Though he already told me why. I shook off the thought, hugging him back.

- a year and a half later

"You know," I started, "I'm so happy that I said yes to your proposal."

He looks at me after he hung up our wedding picture, smiling at me. "That was literally the second best day of my life."

"Oh? What's the first?" I asked as I walked towards him, hugging him from behind.

"Our wedding day," He giggled like a high school girl as he turned around, pecking me on the lips.

"Marc, there's uh- something I need to tell you.." I let go of him and look at him in the eye.

"Oh my god," His eyes widens, "Are you gay?"

I narrow and roll my eyes at him, "You have got to stop saying that, it annoys me. A lot."

"Sorry babe," He chuckles, "So? What is it? What do you want to tell me?"

"My period."

"How romantic," He chuckles again before I slap him arm.

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