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"Okay, what did I do now?" Marc asks as he leaned onto the kitchen counter, looking at me.

I continued to stay quiet and ignore him, grabbing an apple from the fridge before heading back to the living room.

"I'm serious. What did I do?" He asks, following me from behind.

I took a bite of the apple and switched on the television. His face then popped up, because it was on the sports channel and it was a replay of the previous race. I quickly changed it and it was E! News.

He then sat down next to me and grabbed my hand. I continued to watch the television while eating my apple.

The reason why I decided to ignore Marc was because he ate lunch at a Japanese restaurant without me. I haven't eat all day and Japanese food was my favourite. He had the nerves to send me a picture of what he was eating.

"Y/N," he sighed as he leaned onto the couch.

"Fergie and Josh Duhamel splitting up after eight years of marriage," A girl from the entertainment news said, making my eyes widened.

"What?!" I shrieked.

"Oh," Marc rolled his eyes. "So you answer that even though it didn't ask you a question?"

I looked at him and glared.

"You're cute when you're mad," he chuckles.

"Shut up." I sneered.

"What? What did you say? Couldn't hear you that much." He made a confused face, holding back a smile.

"I said," I repeated. "Shut the fuck up."

"Cute." He commented. "I think that I know why you're mad."

"You're hungry." He continues, "You're eating that apple like you haven't ate for a whole year."

"Yes, I am." I finally speak out. "I haven't eat breakfast and dinner, I'm hungry as hell. And when you sent the pic of what you were eating made me hate you. It was Japanese food, my favourite! You didn't even bother to text me to join with you."

"Oh, my baby," He coos, pulling me into a hug as he kisses my forehead. "I'm sorry."

"Let's go grab some food now. Although..." He thinks for a while. "I think that I shouldn't feed you. So that you'll be mad. You're cute when you're mad."

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