Little Love

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The man who broke my heart million times by doing stuffs with the other girl, didn't make me leave. No matter how many times he went out with her, I wouldn't even dare to say a single word about it to him. I was scared.

I watched him as he took his shirt off. He smiled at hisself at the mirror, the hickey were clearly visible enough for me to see... And that made my heart shatter again.

I was currently laying in bed, the white blanket covered my whole body. As for my head, it was sideways. Marc must've think that I'm sleeping, but I'm not.

He then went into the bathroom and locked the door making me sigh. Few minutes later he opened the door, and what I noticed was that he only changed his pants. He didn't even bother to cover up the hickeys.

Like last time, I asked what that was, and he answered just a bruise from the bike. Although I knew that he was lying.

The other side of the bed dipped down by the weight from his body. He was chuckling all by himself, I then decided to turn body and face him. But I was too late, his back was the only thing that I saw.

Even though he has another girl in his life, and loves her a lot that I didn't get all the love I got from him, I heard a little love was better than nothing.


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hope that y'all understand this imagine!

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