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this was from the old MotoGP imagines

"And then, when Rossi tried to take me, I instantly went on full speed so that he couldn't catch me up. And there comes Jorge Lorenzo, he was really close to me until I -"

"Marc! I need you to rest, not talking to your girlfriend." One of his mechanics interrupted him, making him frown.

"Ugh," He groaned, "As always, why can't I take a break for once?" He question himself.

He then sits down on the leather chair that was provided for him, he sighed. "I regret all of this."

I looked at him confused, "Regret what?"

"This. Being a rider in MotoGP, being in this shitty team, being a loser who never gets a chance to win." He grits his teeth.

"Don't say that, you're not a loser, this is not a shitty team, and what's wrong with being a MotoGP rider? I don't see any problem.." I sighed as I sat down next to him and held his hand.

"I'm so sorry (Y/N), I really am." He frowned, not looking at me.

"Hey, hey, hey. What are you sorry for?" I asked, but he stayed quiet.

"Marc, tell me, what are you sorry for?" I asked again.

"Everything, all of this but I haven't win anything.. I missed your birthday, your graduation, everything important. I missed it. All over and over again." He sniffed a little.

He's being very emotional you thought to yourself. "Marc, it's okay! It's not that important."

"(Y/N)," He held both of your hands and looks at you straight in the eyes, "Tell me the truth, did you felt miserable or sad that I didn't come to any of your important events?"

You gulped, "I-I.. yes.." You looked away, not wanting to look at him for a moment.

"You see what I meant? I just don't understand, how could you want somebody like me when there's thousands of guy who could be there for you instead of me?" His hands crawled to your chin, making you turn your face to look at him.

"I-I just want you, Marc. I love you, I really do. It's just that I can't move on without you. I don't want anyone except you." I pouted.

"Don't you feel down with me? Don't get me wrong because I don't with you." He held my hand once again.

"I don't." I assured him.

He gave me a weak smile then gave me short, lovable kiss. While he was kissing me, his mechanic interrupted us again.

"Not here please," He shook his head then gave me a smile.

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Marc Marquez ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now