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Marc's POV

"Hey, Marc?" Y/N looked at me as I lock my phone immediately so that I could concentrate on her.

"Yeah?" I looked at her and bit my lip.

"Can I- uh.." She trailed off, looking down.

"Hm? Can you what?" I asked, lifting her chin up so that we would make eye contact.

"Can I go out with my friends? It's only for a few hours though. It's because I haven't hang out with in a while after the wedding." She bit her lower lip once again.

"Oh, Y/N, of course you can!" I chuckled.

"You have to take care of Alexa though, I'm not going to bring her." She pointed out, making me nod.

"Of course. She's my baby too, I know how to take care of her. When are you going out with your friends exactly?" I asked.

"Tomorrow. Noon until night-ish. Is that alright?" She asked worriedly, like she was scared that I wouldn't let her.

"Yeah, of course! You go have a girls day with your friends. I'll take care of our baby." I winked as she just chuckled.

"Hm, alright. Okay, let's see... you have to check her diaper like the whole time, you have to feed her too. You can feed her avocados, dragon fruit or anything that makes it easier for her to chew and-"

"Woah, woah! Y/N, I know what to do." I laughed as she laughed along.

"I know, it's just that, I've never leave her alone with you." She smiled, "But, I guess that you'll be okay."

"Of course I will." I answered.


the next day

"Aww, princess, you're so adorable!" I chuckled as I help her wear her mint green and pink jumpsuit. "Grrr, look at your thighs!" I said as I squeeze her thighs. Don't blame me, she's super adorable.

She then smiled, mumbling a few baby words to me. I then laid down next to her, thinking of what we could do next.

An idea popped into my head; picnic!

"Hey, doll, you and daddy should go on a picnic, yeah?" I looked at her while asking as she just continued to smile.

It kinda sucks that she doesn't understand what I say, but, oh well. She will once she grows up. "Hm, you can only eat easy chewable foods.. that's boring. You know, I can't wait to feed you pizza, even though I'm not a fan of pizza, gummy bears, chocolate!"

She then giggled, as she showed her two teeth that just grew at the bottom. "Ugh, but I also don't want you to grow up that fast."

"Let's go!" I said as I stood up, then carried her using both of hands. Her cute, small butt on my arm. "It's a bit hot, so let's get your pink hat, yeah?"

She then made a straight face, which made me adore her even more. She has these fluffy cheeks that made me want to eat them. Sounds scary, but, if you're a parent, you'll know what I meant.

Once I got her pink hat, I placed her on a chair, that was made for her on the table. She then smiled as she watched me. I prepared food for myself.. and also her. It was super easy. I just take out some baby food from the cabinet.

She continued to look what I was doing, making me chuckle. I made myself a sandwich.

After preparing everything, Alexa and I were now on the grass, sitting down, looking at each other. This moment actually reminds me of Y/N and I on our fourth date.

Every time I take a bite of my sandwich, I fed Alexa her food. Just to be fair.

Out of no where, I heard a sound coming from our front door. I was wide-eyed. Who could that be?

"Marc?!" Y/N shouted my name.

Oh boy.

"We're at the backyard!" I shouted back, looking at Alexa and smiled.

"I have this like crazy Mummy sense that I couldn't leave the house! And it has only been an hour!" Y/N spoke, "I don't know why."

She then entered the backyard. Wide-eyed at what we were doing, then, she coos. "Aww, this is super adorable! A father-daughter picnic!"

Alexa just smiled as she giggles a little.

"Come and join us." I smiled.

"No. You two will continue with your father-daughter picnic. This is too adorable!" Y/N says before heading back inside the house.

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didn't know how to end this whoops

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