Notice Me

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I huffed, disagreeing with my mother. She told me that I should quit being an umbrella girl. Because she said that it's nothing and you have to get half-naked almost all the time, which is not true.

"Y/N, I'm telling what's good for you," She said calmly, hoping that I would listen to her this time.

"I know, but, I will quit on one condition." I smiled cheekily as she shook her head, rolling her eyes a bit. "What is it?" She asked.

"I want to have a chance with Marc Marquez, the rider that I'm holding the umbrella to. I want to have a date with him, spend time with him." I half-smiled.

"That's impossible," My mother rolled her eyes. "Or it's possible. I know that you're gorgeous, Y/N. But looks aren't everything, are you sure that he wants you because you have charming looks?"

"I want him to like me, for me. I want him to like for who I am. But sadly, he doesn't even know my name, I've been holding the umbrella for him for a long time!" I groaned, looking down as I sighed. "I want him notice me."

"Then show your boobs." She laughed.

"Mama!" I covered my face using my hands in embarrassment. I can't believe she said that! My boobs?! Nuh-uh! "For your information, no Honda umbrella girls has to do that! They don't show their assets to make them beautiful," I mutter under my breath.

"I'm just kidding, my sweetheart." She smiled widely, "Fine. Do whatever you want. But, I want you to be careful, alright?"

I nod, "I'll be alright."


"Y/N, you'll be on the grid in 10 minutes, alright?" Clara said, then ran to Pedrosa's pit, probably telling the same thing to Pedrosa's umbrella girl.

I had to talk to Marc Marquez, right now. No matter what. I held the umbrella closely to me, as I walked towards him. He was getting ready, maybe I shouldn't disturb him?

I mean, I could always try after the race. But.. he'll be busy with interviews and stuffs. Oh well, let's bother him now. He zipped his suit, then made eye contact with for less than a second. Sigh.

"Hi, um, Marc?" I stuttered a bit once I got close to him. His eyes then looks at mine, as he gave me a small, loving smile.

"Yes, Y/N?"

He.. He knows my name! Oh my God! And all this time I didn't even know he knows my name!

"Woah, y-you know my name!" I blurted out, then my eyes widening realising what I said. He would probably think I'm a crazy fan now.

He then chuckles before flashing me another million dollar smile of his. "Of course, why wouldn't I?"

"Because.. you're Marc Marquez?" I answer more like a question, earning another chuckle from him.

A horn then got blown, making both of us look outside. "Well," He started, "We will continue this conversation later, alright? But now, get out there and cover me." He said as he winked then left, leaving me in awe.

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