Only You

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This is the first time that I came out from my house after a month. Let me tell you what happened exactly a month ago, Marc broke up with me.

He told me that I wasn't worth it. It's like he's making up excuse of why he broke up with me, but I knew that was something behind it.

After weeks of crying, and being at home, I finally went out to see the world. Not that I wanted to, though. My bestfriend Alyna told me to forget everything and start a new life. And she told me to go out because it has been forever since I saw the sun.

A new book. A new chapter. New set of characters.

I kept those three sentences in my mind. Even though I wanted to find someone new, I just couldn't. Marc has and always been on my mind, no matter what happens.

I'm now going to Simply Bello, a small, yet efficient café that my friend recommended me to go to for the past few days.

Once I stepped into the café, I felt something. Like my heart just told me to go somewhere else. At first I was like whatever, then as soon I walked inside, I finally realised why.

Marc is here. With a girl.

I paused immediately. What should I do? Go to him and greet him? Pause while staring at him? Or just run away and go to another café?

I decided to go with the third option. I turned around and start to walk away until my name got called.


I bit my lip. Uh-oh.

I didn't turn back around to look at him though. Why look at him when he's cause trouble?

I could feel him walking towards me. But then I continued to walk and headed towards the exit of the café. I sighed once I was out.

"Y/N. Please don't run away from me." He spoke.

I then jumped a little because I didn't know that he was outside too. I took a deep breath before turning to him.

"What do you want?" I said in a harshly tone.

"I-" He said, "I just want to talk to you, that's all..."

"Funny. Why would you want to talk to me? Don't you hate me?" I asked, while narrowing my eyes at him.

"I don't hate you!" He said, "I will never hate you." The last part came out as a whisper as he looked down.

"Don't you have a girlfriend to talk with?" I asked as he looks at me confused.


"Don't act all confused now. That girl. The girl that you were having your precious time with. Maybe she's the reason why you left me, right?" I gave him a fake smile.

"No! She's just an old friend, we bumped into each other last night and decided to go hangout today." He spoke quickly.

"Oh really? Well, Marc, I have other better things to do right now, so, bye." And with that, I walk quickly as possible before he could reply me.


the next day

I woke up late this morning, with a good mood. And weirdly, I feel like something good was going to happen to me.

I then showered, brush my teeth, you know the drill. I wore a white t-shirt and black leggings. As for my hair, I only did it as a ponytail.

Few minutes later my door bell rang, making me curious of who was it. I opened the door and saw the guy himself.

"What are you doing here?" I quickly asked, not opening the door wider so that he couldn't come in.

"Hello too," He smiled. "I was just around the neighbourhood and I wanted to say hi to you."

"Why? Don't you have anything better to do than that?" I raised a brow.

"Y/N, please, let's be civil this time. I want to talk to you about something." He smile sadly, making me awe.

"Talk about what, actually?"


"There isn't an us anymore, and you made that clear last time." I pointed at him, as he sighed.

"I know what I did, and I must admit, it was very stupid and foolish of me." He admitted, "But please, let me in. I want to explain and talk things through about it."

"Marc, what are you trying to say?" I asked as I opened the door a bit wider.

"What I'm saying is that, I miss you. I miss you very much. There are no words that could describe how I terribly miss you." He spoke softly, making me shocked.

He misses me?

Without further hesitation, I opened the door wide enough this time. He entered as he gave a small smile. He then made his way to the living room, as he sat down, being comfortable.

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part two very soon ☺️

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