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Marc's POV

She lifted up two hangers, one on one hand. She then looked at me questionably, asking me for an answer. I examined the two beautiful dresses, looking at each one of them. One was a floral dress, and one was a glittery dress.

"Well?" She asked, raising both of her hands higher, making me look at her a smiled nervously.

"I-I think that.. the floral dress is better." I said truthfully as I gulped, really afraid of what her reaction is going to be.

She then gave the hugest smile, obviously amazed by my answer. She then nodded, placing back the dresses inside the closet. "Good choice! The floral dress is way better than the glittery one."

"Yeah, that's why I said the floral dress is nicer." I chuckled.

She then sat down right beside me on our shared bed. "Hmm, since you're great on deciding, why not you help me?"

I shrugged my shoulder, "Well, a-alright."

She then smirked. "Do you think I should exercise? Or do you think that I should go on a diet?"

I then froze, while thinking of her answer once I tell her both of the questions.

"I-I think that you should go on a diet."

"Oh! So now you think I eat too much?" She narrow her eyes at me.

"N-No! I-I think that you should exercise." I gave her a nervous chuckle.

"Oh... So now you think that I'm fat and I need to run, huh?!" Her eyes getting wider while clenching her teeth.

"N-No!!" I shouted.

"Hello? Marc? So what will you choose?" She waved her hand onto my face. I then blinked a few times as I continued to stare at her.

"I should just make her choose on her own." I thought to myself.

"What do you think is the best?" I asked while a nervous chuckle escape from my lips.

"Hmm, I really do love my desserts, they're so great. And I'm really looking forward into yoga classes. So I'll pick.... hey!" She slapped my arm once she realised she answered herself.

I then gave her a small smile as she gave me death glare.


"Marc, I'm really hungry." (Y/N) complained, she then stopped walking.

"Yeah, me too." I chuckled, as I turned to look at her.

"Japanese.. or Italian?" She asked.

I then froze, looking at her with my eyes widened. Why do I have to choose? So, I just remembered the trick. Ask her back smartly.

"What about... Japanese then?" I asked, looking at her while smirking.

"But we had that last week!" She pouted, crossing her arms over her chest.

"...Italian then?" I created some kind of hand gesture.

"But pasta is so.." She mocked me by using the same hand gesture that I did.

"So, not Italian then?" I raised a brow, playing with her mind.

"But I miss pasta." She admitted and sighed.

"Then Italian it is!" I smiled widely, as I connected her hand onto mine.

"Mhmm! Italian then!" She smiled too. She furrowed her eyebrows, realising that I tricked her again. "Hey!"

hope you guys love this one! i actually find this funny 😂❤️

Marc Marquez ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now