Devyna - Part 1

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Requested by : DevynaCaesaSeptia 👶🏻
Used your name as the title!


"Pol, I'm sorry, I really am.." You sobbed, shaking your head.

"You.. Why?" He groaned, "We've been together for three years Devyna, three years! And now, this pops up out of nowhere, ruining our life."

"It's not like I planned it," You sighed, frustrated.

"Not like you planned it? Of course not! Nobody wants cancer. Look, all I'm saying is that we can't be together. The reason why I proposed to you is because I want a mini us.. but now, since you can't, I'm sorry but I think that this is it." He closed his eyes and sighed, tears rolling down his cheek.

You knew that it was hard for Pol breaking up with you, but there was no other choice but to let it go.

You took the ring off that Pol gave up as an engagement ring few months ago, and gave it back to him. He sniffled a little, it was hard for him letting go the love of his life.


"This is such an emotional song," Marc shook his head hearing Parachute by Cheryl Cole, "Who wrote this?"

Alex chuckled, "Devyna? Yes, Devyna."

"Who's that?" Marc raised a brow as he lowers down the volume, looking at Alex.

"Pol Espargaro's ex fiancée, or girlfriend. I don't know." He shrug his shoulders as he continued walking, finding a Pokémon.

"Is she pretty?"

Alex rolled his eyes when he looked at Marc, "Very, I mean, more then pretty. She's gorgeous."

"How or where can I meet this Devyna?" Marc blushed, though he hasn't even meet you yet. Just yet.

"She still goes to the race to watch Pol, so yeah, during the race you can meet her."


As the next race came by, you went to the grand stand, sitting down on an empty seat. It was currently 8am and it was still early, it was only like 10% people filled up the seats.

Someone then tapped you on your shoulder, making you look at the person, you see a guy as the guy smiled. "Are you Devyna?" The man asks.

You hesitated before nodding, "yes, I am. Who are you?"

He took a seat beside you while he took off his sunglasses, "I'm Marc, Marc Marquez." He took out a hand from his pocket to shake hands with you, which you gladly accept.

"Uh, I'm Devyna." You looked at him weirdly.

"Do you want to come with me?" He shyly asked.

"Excuse me?" You were taken aback, who does he think he is?

"I'm sorry, I've shouldn't ask you that question quickly, anyways, I'm one of the MotoGP rider. Rider 93 from the Repsol Honda Team." He smile widens, like he was proud of what he is.

"So you must know Pol Espargaro?" You squeed, remembering Pol, your ex.

His smile faded as he scratched the back of his neck, "Yeah, I do. One of my closest friends for sure."

"So.. If I come with you, I could see him?" You squeed again, it has been a long time since you and Pol see each other, you missed him very much.

"I guess so," He sighed.

"Then let's go!" You stood up from your seat, looking at him. He looked kind of annoyed when you mentioned Pol's name.


Marc's POV

Looking at Devyna was like looking at a goddess. She was pretty, and she has a great personality. She was smiling the whole time, which made me curious.

"Maybe she's happy because she thinks that she's going to meet Pol," I thought to myself. I shook the thought. Not wanting Devyna to meet her ex. Though I have met her for a few minutes ago, I fell in love with her.

"Where's Pol?" She asked as I quickly looked away for a while to roll my eyes. I then look back at her as she was looking around, searching for Pol's motorhome.

"At his motorhome, I guess. We can't disturb a rider when he or she is in their motorhome. They need to rest," I half-lied. She just nods her head, believing what I said.

Actually, you can meet a rider when they're at their motorhome. It's just that I don't want her to meet Pol. "I should head back to the grand stand," She said.

I quickly stopped her, "No, no, no. You could wait at uh- my pit box if you want to."

"Your pit box?" She chuckled.

"My team's pit box." I corrected myself back. She just looks at me weirdly, it was like she doesn't want to.

"Won't your team be mad if you brought in some random stranger into their pit box?"

"They won't, I guess. I can bring who ever I want." I smiled as she gave me her pretty smile and nodded.

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