Locker Code

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Couldn't think of a great title for this imagine.. so I just put locker code & imagine this when marc is still young, idk at least young for him to be in high school with lockers lol

Marc's POV

"José, look! She's here!" I squealed silently as I hit José's chest.

"Ow!" He groaned, "Why did you hit me? What was that for!"

"I'm just.. excited!" I said as I began to take out my camera from my locker.

"Dude, you're such a stalker. Just ask her out already." He rolled his eyes as he chuckles.

"She doesn't even know me. Plus, would she even like me? I doubt that she would even look at me." I rolled my eyes and took a pic of her candid. Gosh, she's a beauty.

"There's this thing called trying, why don't you use it?" He faked smiled at me.

"There's this thing called rejection, why don't you understand it?" I fake smiled back.

"Your comeback isn't good, try a good one next time." He laughed.

I ignored him as I stared at Y/N. She had trouble with her locker.

"Oh, come on! I have additional maths after this, I can't be late because of you!" She groaned, chugging at her lock.

I then hand my camera at José as he looked at me weirdly. I then walk casually to her.

"Hey, um, do you need help with that?" I asked as she looks at me with a relieved face.

"Hi, well yeah. I'm having trouble with it. Can't seem to unlock it." She smiled a bit then tells her code.


I then smiled. My birthday. This just got even more interesting. After I help her unlock her lock, I quickly ask her a question that I have always wanted to ask.

"Um, I know that we just met, but, you're really cute. Do you... do you want to hang out sometimes?" I half-smiled and place my hand in my pocket.

She just stared at me with her eyes widened.

"Oh, uh! I mean, it's okay if you don't want to, like-"

"Of course. I love to." She gave me her gorgeous smile, that melted me.

"My name is-"

"Marc. I know your name." She gushed. As you can imagine, I was happier than a child that got given candy.

"Not to be weird, but, I know your name too." I smiled and gushed a bit too, "Y/N."

"And a fun fact," I continued, "Your locker code is my birthday. The exact date. Well, the 93 is a shortcut for 1993, but it's still my birthday."

"Really? Wow! That's interesting."

"I know, so mine is probably your birthday too. Because you know, we're meant for each other." I smirked.

"And what if it isn't?" She raised a brow, smirking as well.

"That's okay, we're still meant for each other."

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