Meeting The Parents

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Y/L/N = your last name
Y/D/N = your dad's name



"I want to meet your parents." Marc says out of no where.

"What? You already met them before." I raised a brow, looking at him, confused.

"I have. But like, I want to get to know them. The last time I saw your parents was last week when I picked you up for our date, and it was just a hi bye conversation." He shrugs, looking at me.

"You really want to meet them?" I smiled.

"Yes, I do. I want to meet your parents. The people who made you. I'm so grateful that they didn't use condom when they did it." He says casually.

"Marc!" I laughed, playfully hitting him on his chest. "Alright, maybe I could arrange things. I'll have to ask them first."

"Ask them, now!" He chuckles and slaps my butt.

I gasped, but then ignored it. I called my mom and asked her if she wanted to. She happily agreed and said that she couldn't wait.

"Tomorrow. 6pm sharp. Don't be late." I pointed at him as he happily nodded.


next day

"Are you nervous?" I ask him.

He shakes his head. "I'm not. In fact, I'm excited. I even rehearsed of what I'm going to say."

"Oh you're well prepared." I chuckled.

"You can say that. I just really hope that your parents like me, and most importantly, accept me." He says seriously. "If they don't, you know what that means."

"Shhhh," I hugged him. "They will love you, I promise."


Marc's POV

I sat down and ate my food that Mrs. Y/L/N made. After I swallowed my food, Mrs. Y/L/N started a conversation.

"So, Marc, do you have any siblings?" She asks nicely, while looking at me.

"I do." I smiled. "A younger brother. He's twenty, almost twenty-one."

"That's nice. You can easily have a guy-to-guy talk, yeah?" Y/N's dad chirps in.

"Yes, sir."

"What's his name?" Y/N's mom asks another question.

"Alex." I answered, still smiling.

"Okay, I'm going straight to the point, Marc. I want to know where your relationship with my daughter is going." Y/N's dad said sternly, lifting a brow, looking right at me in the eyes.

"Y/D/N!" Y/N's mom nudges his shoulders, "You don't have to answer that, Marc."

"It's fine Mrs. Y/L/N. I can answer this one." I smiled, then look at Y/N, who was blushing.

"Our relationship is going well, and I plan on marrying her one day." I said truthfully. "She's the one for me. I love her more than I love myself or anyone that I have ever loved before. She's my number one."

Y/N's dad smiles. "You got a job?"

"I do, sir."

"What kind of job do you have?" Y/N's mom asks.

"I race for a living. I'm a motorcyclist." I answered as I felt Y/N's hand on top of mine, squeezing it.

"Oh? How long doesn't take you to race? Is it every week?"

"It depends. Sometimes once every two weeks. But don't worry, I will always bring Y/N with me, so she won't be left alone." I said nervously.

"Well then," Y/N's dad smiles. "Steady pay?"

"Way too steady," I chuckled nervously.

Y/N's parents smiled to each other while nodding.

"Welcome to the family, Marc."

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he's the winner of #SanMarinoGP ❤️👏🏼

honestly the fans of rossi booing marc was just childish and immature. learn to grow up and respect other riders. yeesh

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