Mistake - Part 2

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Marc: I'll be there.

Marc: Y/N, just please, don't ever forget this; I love you and I miss you.

Marc: And I would never hate you, I would never hurt you in any way. I love you too much to do that.

Me: Don't explain now.

Marc: I won't. I'll see you later.


Turns out that he came first, looking all prepared of what he's going to say. Once he saw me, he had a huge smile plastered on his face, it's like the first time he saw me in years.

"Y/N!" He cried out, "I-I missed you so much!"

"Marc," I sighed, "You have to explain. I can't give myself to you, not just yet. So please, explain before I change my mind."

"Alright," He sighed. "First of all, I want to say that I'm sorry, I really am. I had no intentions of hurting you, in any ways."

"Yes, I said that already and it's the truth. To be honest, I couldn't move. My lips just stayed there, my eyes widened. I froze. I wasn't expecting that, at all." He explains, "I know that it was a very stupid question to ask."

"And?" I raised a brow.

"I didn't know why asked that, and I will never forgive myself for asking that." He looks at me in the eyes.

"You do realise that I got extremely pissed off when you invited her to come inside the villa."

"I know. I sort of felt the tension a bit, but I couldn't just ask to her leave immediately when she just came in." He says weakly, looking at me with full of fear.

"I don't know, Marc. I think that I can't be with you anymore." I sighed. "It's hard. It's hard being with you. I have to sit back and watch girls trying to get your attention. This isn't the first time."

"What? Y/N, no." He says sadly, his voice low. Now he didn't look at me with full of fear, instead, he looks like he was going to break down any second. "We have talked about this. I love you, not them."

"Oh, so there's a them now?" I scoffed. He then was taken aback.

"Don't be like this." He pleaded.

"It's not me, it's you." I sighed and rolled my eyes.

"Me?" Now he was the one who scoffed. "Can you just stop being a bitch and listen to me for once?"

His eyes widened when he called me that. "Y/N, oh my God, darling, I-"

"Stop. Just stop." I croaked, backing up away from him.

"Please, I didn't mean to say it." He pleaded, walking closer towards me.

"No. Stop. I was going to forgive you, but, look what just happened. Hell, why am I even still talking to you?" And with that, I ran as fast as I could, making sure that he wouldn't catch me.

Once I reached my car, I unlocked it and started the engine and drove away.


"He called me a bitch," I told my mom, who was shaking her head.

"'Maybe he over spoke that, give him another chance." She tells me, making me scoff at her response.

"You're on his side? Why?" I groaned as I covered my face and slammed my head on the table lightly.

"I know Marc. You know Marc. You and I know that he wouldn't ever call you that." She tried to reason with me, but I wasn't buying it.

"I just, I love him. But the fact that he calls me that, it just.. breaks my heart." I sighed, frowning instantly.

"If you love him, you will give him a second chance, no matter how messed up he did." My mom says calmly, "and, if it goes wrong once again, it's over."

"Are you making the decision for me?"

"No, I'm just telling you. You know, extra information if anything happens." She chuckles a bit.

As I was about to answer, the door bell rang. My mom and I both exchanged looks. This reminded of when Marc and I were at the villa when Nicolette decided to come.

"Are you expecting someone, Y/N?" Mom asks.

"No. Are you?" I asked back.


I sighed and went to the door. I opened it, revealing Marc standing outside with a bouquet of roses, my favourites.

"Marc." I breathed out.

At this time, I listened to my mom. And God, I do love him, and I feel like forgetting the past and just continue with our lives.

"Before you say anything, I just wanted to say that I love you." He spoke softly, "And I know that you probably hate me right now because of what happened earlier, but just to let you know, I'll be here for you if you want me back."

"Want you back? Did we broke up?" I ask.

"No, we did not." He half-smiles, a bit relieved.

"Who said that I hate you?" I smiled a bit.

"I don't know, I just thought." He gave me the bouquet as he kisses my cheek, then strokes it using his thumb.

"I love you." I said truthfully.

"You do? After all what happened? Y/N, baby, I'm so sorry for what happened for these past few weeks, or days, I-"

I shut him up by pressing my lips onto his. I could feel him smiling while we're kissing. After a few seconds, I pulled away as he continued to smile like an idiot.

"Stop. Let's just forget about the past and focus on our future." I said as he nodded.

"I would love that." He said before pressing his lips back onto mine.

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